Page 55 of Angelina

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Chapter Eighteen


The next night, we were ready to leave the moment the sun set.We had learned that the humans had started to put the mechanisms and walls in places on the south side also, but there were holes in the perimeter, and we needed to go quickly to get out before they finished.

We would go in groups of ten and would meet at another location to locate vehicles.The group traveling to western Pennsylvania would head into Toledo, Ohio, to find transports to get us across Ohio and then into Pennsylvania.

Everyone was tense as we prepared to leave.We would exit one group at a time every five minutes.We had no idea if they were watching our area or if any other traps with those stupid blasters were set for us.For all we knew, they had buried things during the day while we hid in the dark.I had felt vibrations during the day, which had made it hard to rest.

Our group consisted of Corbin and me, along with eight other people—five men and three women.Gideon would be in the fourth group, only a few minutes behind us.

Corbin had been sticking close to my side.“You okay?”he asked.

“Sure.I’m fine.I love walking into minefields and wondering if I’m going to get out the other side.”I blasted him a broad smile, and he chuckled.

“Yeah, exactly.”

We headed up the stairs, and as I opened the door, water whooshed past our feet.Corbin and I shared a look before we made our way into the dark alley.I was lucky that most of our group seemed to be levelheaded and competent.I didn’t have the patience for anything else.

Outside, there was water everywhere, and I glanced around, wondering when it rained.The walls of the building were dry, so where was the water coming from?We skirted the building, moving as quickly as we could while still being safe.I realized that Corbin and I were faster than the others; so as not to lose them, Corbin said he would follow up the rear.Before he split, he grabbed my hand and squeezed.

While he backtracked, I thought about him.Corbin was a good man.He was strong and reliable.He was also soft-spoken, and since we had mated, he hadn’t been clingy—which I appreciated.In a way, I was glad to have mated with him, but it made me wonder what would happen once Hugh and I were back together.Would we be able to find a female reborn for Corbin?

I stopped when I found myself trapped at the end of a road.This wasn’t supposed to be here.Last night this area was clear, but now it had been dug up, and there was a large cement structure in front of me.Fuck!I told Steve, the guy behind me, to wait while I checked it out and carefully climbed the pile of debris.The debris was a mixture of dirt and asphalt, and pieces shifted under my feet, making it hard to get up.Finally, I was close enough to jump up and grab the top of the cement and pull myself over.At the top, I listened carefully.Not hearing anything but water, I peered over the top.On the other side, nothing was waiting for us, but it was evident that they were setting a trap and trying to block us in.I waved back to Steve to tell him to start climbing up while sending a message back to Corbin.

“Tell Gid that he needs to move people as quickly as possible.They have started setting up traps.The area is blocked up here, but I found a way over.It’s like they are building a wall around us.They have dug up the roadway and have tall cement barriers as far as I can see.I’m not sure what they plan to do with it, but we need to move faster.”

Just as I said that, I noticed a large pipe about twenty feet away.I walked along to the top of the wall to get closer and heard the sound of water rushing through it.“Oh shit!”I hissed.

“Tell Gid to get everyone out now!I know what they are going to do.They are filling the area with water, and then they are going to send the electricity through it.”

“On it!”he snapped back.

I kept an alert eye on the area to ensure there wasn’t anyone waiting for us as the rest of the group got over the barrier.Once Corbin was over, I sighed a breath of relief.

“Let’s go.Gid said he was going to move everyone as quickly as possible.They have water coming into the compound through cracks.We will all be going in different directions, but there is a lot of water already in the area.You weren’t the first to see it, but now he understands why.”

“Let’s just hope they get everyone out before they turn on the power.”

“At least we are out of there.”

“Yes.”I glanced at him.“But I would prefer no one be in there.”I knew what Kristin went through for the first time, constantly worrying about the breed and the others with her.She was continually looking out for others and trying to protect them.

We moved quickly and had to backtrack a few times when we saw military personnel.It took a while, but we finally found a way through their line and to the other side without anything terrible happening.Once we cleared that, we moved as fast as we could into the shadows of the night.

We were a couple of miles away when we heard it.The crackling of lightning, only not coming from the sky.It was at the ground level.We all stopped and turned to see the sky light up.How many people had gotten out?Not all!There hadn’t been enough time!

“Gid!”I shouted into my head, directing it toward him as Corbin came to my side.“Gideon!”

“Can you reach Gideon?”I asked him.

Corbin shook his head, his lips compressed as he stared back at the city.All of us were tense as we waited and watched as the buzzing continued, and the area above it lit up like a football stadium on opening night.

“Jesus,” one of the women said.“Did everyone get out?”

“I don’t know,” Corbin said, “But I don’t think so.”

His face snapped up, and a look of relief passed over his features.“Gideon is out.He had just climbed over the barrier when they turned on the power.He lost half of his group.”

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