Page 43 of Angelina

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“Yeah, well, don’t expect happily ever after.It was a business transaction to make us both stronger.”

“Makes sense.”

We stopped talking about their mating and then got down to business.About an hour later, someone came rushing into the room.“You guys need to get downstairs.Marissa is about to go after Angelina.”

We zipped down the stairs, hoping to stop the fire before it erupted into an explosion.After that, Angelina was keyed up and needed to talk to all of us.Of course, Marissa disappeared, so the rest of us discussed what needed to be done.

I didn’t want to leave this place, but we had been on borrowed time, and we all kind of knew that.

An hour later, almost everyone was gathered in the downstairs entryway and waiting for us to speak.All the overseers, minus Marissa, were there, and Corbin and Angelina were standing on either side of me.Just standing between them, I could feel the energy that they held now.It was like a magnet was trying to pull them together, and I was worried I would get squashed between them.

When I had everyone’s attention, I began.“There is a lot of activity above, and the humans are setting traps for us.They are now aware or suspect that we are down here or someplace in this area.We believe that they are building large electrical blasters that can run current through this whole area.At the magnitude that they are building it to run, it could not only be crippling for us but deadly.”

Murmurs raced through the people below.“We have been here for over six months, and things have been good.We’ve been able to build our numbers and heal from the devastation that we have endured, but it’s time for us to leave.”

“Where the hell are we supposed to go?”someone yelled from below.

“Beck and Adam have been making calls to set up locations for us.We will split up to keep us from being such a big target and to keep the receiving areas from getting on any radars.”

Beck stepped forward and leaned toward the railing, “Missouri can take thirty-five people.Ohio can take twenty-six.Pennsylvania said they could take about forty, but maybe a few more if needed.There is another place down south that can take about forty, also.That leaves about fifteen people that don’t have a place, but I know that several of you would probably prefer to strike out on your own because being in a group makes you nervous in the first place.If you have a preference, let me or Adam know, and we’ll get you set up.Otherwise, if you don’t care where you go, we’ll pick a location for you based on what’s left.”

“Where are you all going?”a man asked on the side of the group.

“We are splitting up too.Gideon, Corbin, and Angelina are heading to Pennsylvania.Flora and I are going to Missouri; Bark and Zin are going down south to Tennessee, and Adam and Marissa are heading to Ohio.”

“Why are you splitting up?”

Angelina leaned forward slightly to answer.“These camps already have leaders.We don’t want to show up in force and make them think we are trying to take over their camps.We want to respect their hospitality, not overwhelm them with our thoughts and ideas.”

“This way,” I continued, “we might be able to help each group with some of the knowledge that we have, and we can stay in touch with each other so we can move together as a group.Up until now, there hasn’t been all that much communication between the groups.In the future, we are going to need that if we plan to take back what is ours.”

People began to talk amongst themselves, but I put my hands up to get their attention again.“You need to gather what is important to you because we need to start leaving tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!”a few people shouted.“How can we be ready to go so soon?”

“How can you not?”Angelina shouted.“It is leave or die.That choice is yours.We aren’t going to force anyone to do anything, but if you want a chance at a future, then I suggest you pick a location and go pack.”

Adam, Zin, and Beck headed down the stairs with a clipboard to add people to a location.I stuck around for a little while to answer more questions, but Corbin and Angelina slipped out.

I met up with them later in Corbin’s room.Angelina was lying on the bed while Corbin packed stuff into a sizeable military-style backpack.

“Looks like you guys are about ready to leave.”

“Yeah, just about.Did you pack yet?”

“No, I was on my way to do that.”

“Do either of you know who is leading the group where we are going?”Angelina asked.

“Nope.I don’t care as long as they give us refuge for a little while.How much longer until your sister comes out of her hidey-hole?”I asked her.

She shrugged.“I don’t know.Probably around five months.Maybe by then, we will have a plan of what to do.”

“Let’s hope,” Corbin commented.

Angelina got off the bed and approached me.“I appreciate all that you have done here.I wish we didn’t have to leave.I was just getting used to the place.”

“Yeah, it’s a shame.This place was working out really well.”

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