Page 41 of Angelina

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Gideon sighed wearily and turned to me.“What do you think we should do?”

“I think we should leave.The electrical charge is bad enough, but I’m a little more concerned about the wall.I don’t know what that means.If we left, we could wait until they came through and checked everything.If they find no one here, then we can come back later or find a better home.”

“I heard that there was a place in western Pennsylvania that doesn’t have a huge military force and is up in the hills.There is a camp there.”

“I don’t think it would be wise for everyone to go to the same place,” Corbin commented.“It might raise too many flags.”

“I’m with Corbin.I think we need to split everyone up and send them to different locations,” I agreed.

“I don’t like the idea of splitting everyone up,” Bark said.

“It would be safer than everyone moving as a group,” Beck replied.“There is another group south of us in Ohio and another one in Missouri that we could probably send some to.”

“I think some people would prefer to go out on their own,” Corbin added.

“How soon do you think we need to leave?”Flora asked Gideon, but he turned to me.

“What do you think, Angelina?”

“I think we need to do it sooner rather than later.Like tomorrow night.”

“Wait!You expect everyone to pack up and leave by tomorrow?”

“Only if they want to live,” I replied dryly.

“We need to have a community meeting,” Gideon stated.“Flora, can you and Bark get everyone gathered in the common area in one hour?”

Flora and Bark acknowledged him and were out the door to round everyone up.Gideon shifted closer to me.“Do you really think we need to leave?”

“If you want these people to live, yes.I know without a doubt, I’m outta here.I know what those blasters can do to you and what Kristin and Zander went through in that facility.There is no way I would let them capture me.Plus, with the way they are building those contraptions up there, I feel it’s not to capture us but to deep-fry us.I’m not into becoming a deep-fried vampire.”

Gideon sighed.“Alright, Beck, can you and Adam start making plans on where we can go, and Zin, see if you can find Marissa.We will also need people to search the south end of dead man’s land to see if there is a way we can get out.We have no idea if they have done this on that side yet, and we might find ourselves moving into a trap if we go that way.”

“I’ll find Marissa and fill her in.I’ll get a few people to go scout the south end and let us know what they see.”

“Okay, everyone, let’s get moving.”

After they went to start their tasks, that left Gideon, Corbin, and me alone.“Where do you want to go, Lena?”

I’d love to go back to Philly, but I was pretty sure that wasn’t an option.“I’d prefer to be in Pennsylvania.That way, I am closer to my sister when she comes out in a few months.”

“Alright, then the three of us will head that way.”

“Don’t you think we should keep the overseers together?”Corbin asked.

He shook his head.“No.I don’t think that is wise.”

“I agree, especially if we are heading to other camps.They will already have leaders in place.We don’t want them to think we are trying to take over their camps,” I told him.

“Yeah, I guess that’s true.”He grinned at me.“So can we consider this our honeymoon trip, then?”

I shook my head at him but laughed slightly.“You can consider it whatever you want.”

“What do you think they will say when they find out that we have a reborn mated couple?”Gideon asked me.

“Well, that will either be a threat to them, or they will want to take advantage of that.I’m hoping they want to take advantage.”

The three of us shared nervous looks.I sure hoped that wherever we ended up, they would appreciate having us there.Otherwise, Corbin and I would have to head out on our own until my sister was back.

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