Page 14 of Angelina

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“About what?”

“About what is going on out in the world.About the decisions that I made.About where my sister is and if she’s okay.”

I put my fingers over her lips.“She’s fine.”

Kristin startled back.“Have you spoken with her?”

I shook my head.“No.”

She frowned and leaned up on her elbow.“Then how do you know she is fine?”

I sighed and rolled to my back.“I never told you this, but when you were taken, my gifts or powers, or whatever you want to call them, became known.”


“I can see images of people’s thoughts.I don’t hear their thoughts.It’s like my mind sees what they are thinking and shows me pictures.”

“And you can see her thoughts?”

“No, not right now.She’s too far away.”I glanced at her.“But I can do something else too.”


“I can see through her eyes, and I have been able to see a few things.”

Kristin stared at me, her eyes blinking rapidly as she seemed to be digesting what I’d said.Without saying anything, she climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom.A few moments later, she returned, tying her robe about her expanding waist.She paused by the bed, crossed her arms, and stared down at me with a hiked brow.“Explain, Hugh.”

“How about I get dressed, and we sit down with coffee, and I’ll tell you everything?”

“Fine.”She spun on her heel and stalked out of the room.Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything to her, but I had already decided that I needed to open up and be there for her more.Sex was the first step.Telling her what I could do was the second.

After a short shower, I dressed and joined her in our living room.She was staring into her coffee mug.She remained there while I poured mine, and I tried to gauge how upset she was with me, but she was tied so tightly down that I couldn’t get any read on her.

I came around to the couch and took a seat near her.I didn’t wait for her to ask; I just started talking.“When you were taken, and I shared your sister’s blood, I noticed that I saw things inside my mind, pictures, not thoughts or words, but pictures of what she was thinking.Then I realized as she was staring away from me that if I focused on her, I could see what she was seeing.We tested it a little bit, and it worked.”

“Can you do that to anyone?”

“See what’s in their mind?Sometimes, but the seeing through their eyes is only with people I have shared blood with.”

She studied me for a moment.“That’s how you knew I was visiting Zander this morning.”

“Actually, I saw it through his eyes, not yours.”

“What?When did you have his blood?”

“After he first got here.I took some so I could keep an eye on him.”

“And me too, right?”

“Well, yeah,” I admitted.

She sipped from her mug, then set it down on the table and curled up on the sofa facing me.“What have you seen from him?”

“Not much.He reads a lot, watches movies.I see him with other people who come to visit.”

“And you can see what he’s thinking about?”

“Yeah, when I try, I can get images, but a lot of time I don’t understand them, and I have a hard time figuring out if he’s thinking about Julian’s past or Zander’s.Then he usually thinks about you, and I get a better space in time from that.”

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