Page 108 of Angelina

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Corbin came to stand in front of me.“Thanks, man, for everything.”

“Don’t mention it.I’ll see you soon.Enjoy the compound.When this is over, you can tell me all about it.”

“I will.”

I excused myself from the group and went to pack a few things that I had in my room.Lena had been kind enough to shop for clothing, and I didn’t plan to leave it behind.It had been a long time since I’d had nice clothing.I dressed in dark jeans, a long-sleeved Henley shirt in burgundy, and a black leather jacket.

When someone knocked on my door, I opened it to see one of the mistress’ guards there.“I’m Jett.The mistress wanted to know if you were ready.”

“Yep, let me grab my bag.”

I followed behind him to the elevator.For some reason, I was nervous, but I had no idea why.Usually, people of power didn’t bother me, but I guess being with the mistress and the master was a little different.

I was taken to a transport and climbed in to find myself seated with the master.I nodded to him, and the carrier took off.The rest of the people inside introduced themselves, and Paxton, seated across from me, studied me carefully before she smiled.Was there more to that smile than a welcome?

Maybe this would turn out better than I had hoped.

When we arrived, the master took me aside, and as I looked at him, his eyes blazed in a glowing blue for a moment.When I next blinked, he was walking away from me toward a door that was being held open.“Hurry up, Gideon, before the alarm goes off.”

What the hell just happened?I thought to myself as I rushed through the door.Paxton was waiting just inside.

“The master compelled you to forget how we got here.It’s no big deal.He just doesn’t want you to be able to tell anyone.”

“He could have told me that.”

“Yeah, well, get used to it.The mistress will compel you occasionally if you overhear things or she needs you to do things and doesn’t want others to know about it.”

“Doesn’t that bother you?”

She shook her head.“Nope.I’d take being compelled any day to having another job.I love being one of her top guards.It’s an honor.”

I was going to take her word for it.A few moments later, we were through the tunnel and into a warehouse.I couldn’t help but look around as I followed the group into an oversized garage.

The mistress stood at the door as I entered.“Gideon, welcome to the compound.Make yourself comfortable, and Paxton put him in Lena’s suite.I have to meet with the elders and the Canadian master to let them know what is happening.I’ll introduce you soon.”

I nodded, and she was gone.Paxton told me to come with her, and the rest of the group split up and went in different directions.She got to a door and pressed in a code before opening the door.“This is Lena’s suite.Make yourself at home.I am right across the hall if you need anything.”She paused.“And I mean anything.”

I stared at her, surprised by her candor and the sexual invitation I could hear in her words.I would have laughed it off a month ago, but now, I thought it might be time to try things out.As if on cue, I started to get hard.

Before she could get to the door, I flashed around her and blocked her path, smiling at her.“I think you should stay.I might need something after all.”

Paxton grinned, and a second later, she was in my arms, and I shoved the door closed and put her body back against the wall.I had to remember to thank Angelina again later.For now, I was going to enjoy my newly healed parts as much as I could.

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