Page 2 of Out of Order

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“Five times your rate, and that’s my final offer.” He pulls out his wallet and counts out the exact amount, then slams the bills down on the desk between us. My eyes pop out of my skull. I’ve never seen that much money in cash before. I can’t believe he’s carrying that kind of dough around.

I want to say no. I want to tell him that I can’t risk losing my business because he’s too arrogant to listen to me when I say no the first time. But that’s a lot of fucking money. A lot of fucking—

“Fine,” I say and take the money from him. “But if you pull any bullshit at any time tomorrow; fighting or acting like an idiot from drinking too much.” I wave my hands through the air. “Drawing attention to yourself in any way. I'm out of there.” I hold up the wad of cash, the weight of it heavy in my hands. “And I’m keeping this.”

For the first time, Griffin Starke’s full lips spread into a sexy smile. I wish I could say it repulses me, how a man who’s used to getting what he wants gloats before me. But I’m the thing he wants, and it feels kind of good. “See you tomorrow, my darling date.” He wiggles his brows at me, and I watch him shimmy sideways through my office door.



I never thoughtI’d have to hire anyone to be my date, but from the looks of Carlie Howell, I can’t say I regret it. The minute I walked into her office, and she greeted me with that gorgeous smile of hers, my entire brain went haywire. I meet a lot of women, it comes with the profession, but never anyone like Carlie. Though I’ve only had a few minutes with her, I’m looking forward to tonight. It won’t be too hard to pretend that she’s the woman of my dreams.

I slip on my tuxedo jacket and give myself one more glance in the mirror. I shouldn’t be nervous, but I’m not used to being in weddings. The guys on the defensive line are a brotherhood. We’re all proud to stand up there with our friend while he ties the knot. I was happy to come alone, but my coach insisted I bring someone with me to help keep me in line so I don’t get too out of hand. The problem is, I don’t have anyone to ask, which might be the reason I tend to get out of hand.

It’s not like I mean to act like an idiot. Alcohol helps kill the pain of loneliness. My chest clenches, and before I can think too much more about it, I throw open the door to the quaint Inn I’m staying at and head out front where my car is parked.

Carlie didn’t want me picking her up, which I can’t say I blame her if she’s constantly interacting with men hiring her to be their wedding date. The muscles in my neck tighten at the thought, which is kind of dumb. I’m doing the same thing as them, but this feels different.

The diner is just a few miles away and I pull into the lot alongside a few scattered cars. Maybe I’m nervous because I’ve never done this before. Maybe it’s because I know I have to be on my best behavior, as all eyes are on me these days whenever I step off the field. Or maybe, it’s because I want to impress Carlie. Hired or not, the woman’s got my head scrambled.

I step out of the car and adjust the button on my tux. At the same time a shiny red car zips into the lot. I can tell from the blonde hair, it’s Carlie. My heart rate kicks up and I can’t stop smiling. When she steps out of the car in her fitted black dress my cock lurches in my pants. She’s wearing a black dress, a modest cut, but it hugs her curves perfectly and shows off just enough of her soft, billowing cleavage.

“Sorry, I’m running a few minutes behind. I had to let my dog out and he decided to take his sweet little time.” Her smokey green eyes meet mine and her lips spread into a smile. “You look handsome.”

“You look…wow.” My eyes dance up and down her body. She’s so tiny compared to me. Her soft, amber scent lingers in the air between us.

“I take it that’s good.” She tucks her leopard clutch under her arm.

“It’s very good.” I take her hand. She flinches at first but relaxes when I bring her soft knuckles to my lips. All I can think about is how she’d look out of that dress. How soft her body would feel up against mine. Even if it’s fake, I’ve got her for one night. I have to impress her, make her see how special she is. “Shall we?” I turn toward the car but her words stop me.

“I always like to review a few ground rules first. I know you signed a contract with all of this in writing, but it bears repeating.”

“Ground rules? Okay. I’m here for it.”

“Cool.” When she smiles, her eyes crinkle just enough to make it the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. “First off, I’m not a call girl. I’m sure you’re smart enough to know that there will be no sex between us. Paid for or not.”

“Whoa.” I press my palms out, but she continues her well rehearsed speech.

“Second, kissing is also a no-no. A kiss on the hand, like you just did, is fine. An arm around the waist? Also fine. The only kind of touch I will tolerate are gentlemanly touches.” She takes a deep breath, pushing her cornsilk hair over her shoulder. “If you can do it in front of your grandma, it’s probably okay. I reserve the right to end the date at any time if you do not follow these common rules of courtesy. Capeesh?”

“Uh, capeesh.”

“Now.” Her smile returns. “Let’s go have a great wedding.” Without missing a beat, her heels click against the pavement as she heads for my passenger door.

“Guess I’m driving?”

“You are.” She shrugs as I climb in and start the engine.

“Anything else I should know about? Rules I didn’t read in the contract.” She rolls her eyes and turns to me.

“You will bring me the biggest piece of wedding cake on the table.”

I narrow my eyes. The sun shines through the passenger window, making her look like an honest to God angel. “That’s in the contract?”

“No,” she lets out a little giggle and nudges my arm with her elbow. “But I love wedding cake, and I thought I’d go ahead and tell you that now.”

I let out a little laugh and shake my head. I wasn’t lying when I said I had a feeling about Carlie, but I thought it would be because she’s a professional who comes highly recommended by the groom’s friend, who also lives in town. But judging from the butterflies in my stomach, something tells me that it's more than word of mouth that puts my nerves at ease. It’s the fact that she’s the most stunning woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and something tells me tonight’s going to be magical…even if I do have to follow all of her rules as stated in the contract.

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