Page 6 of Room Service

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“What’s the chain for? No.” Gravel crunches beneath my shoes as I push forward. “Alayna, are we…I am not trespassing”

“Oh my God, you sound so scared.Alayna, I amnottressssspassing.”I have to cover my mouth with my hand, I'm laughing so hard. “Is big tough Hotel Gordon Ramsay scared of a little sneak around?”

“No.” He says a little too quickly, taking a step toward the chain separating us. “I’d just rather not get busted for something so stupid. I’d rather it be something cool.”

“Like what?” I challenge and am met with a long pause. Crickets chirp in the distance. “I’ve got all night, Xavier. What kind of trouble do you want to get into tonight?”

“Fine.” The defeatist tone of his voice nearly has me in hysterics. Why is pushing Xavier so fun for me? Maybe because I know it’s safe to do it.

I hold out my hand across the chain. “Come on, scaredy cat, and shush, would ya?”

“You have an accent,” he whispers.

“Shush!” He grabs my hand, though he needs no help getting over it. He barely has to lift his legs at all, the man’s so tall. The moon shines brightly overhead, providing us a little bit of light as we walk along the rest of the path in silence. Only the sounds of the woods at night serenade us. Bullfrogs croak, leaves rustle on trees, and my heartbeat thuds ninety miles a minute, echoing in my ears. Finally, we reach a clearing.

“Holy shit.” Xavier gasps, squeezing my hand.

“It’s beautiful, right?” We move closer to the lake ahead of us. Behind it, the mountains stretch nearly all the way up to the sky. With it slightly too cool for comfort, it’s the perfect night to sneak down to my favorite spot. “Xavier, meet Rose River.”

In the dark, I see his mouth drop open. A sense of pride washes over me. I don’t have much, and God knows I’m working for much more, but my little mountain town is beautiful.

“She’s something special, Alayna.” He turns to me. “And so are you.” His words sends a shiver straight through me.

“That’s all it takes, a little beer and a little trespassing?” I tease, not knowing what to say.

“I’m serious. You’re so…interesting.” I pull a face. “Don’t make that face, you are.”

“Xavier, my life is dull as hell.”

He grabs both of my hands. “I don’t think it is. You’ve got so much going for you, and you’re working your ass off for more. That’s so fucking cool.”

“If you tell me I’m brave, I swear to God—“

Before I can finish my sentence, Xavier’s soft yet firm lips are on mine. I freeze, not knowing what to do. Because I don’t kiss him back, he pulls away. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—“

I throw my arms around his neck and pull him close enough to engulf his lips with mine. His hands find my waist, pulling me closer as he parts my lips with his silky tongue. My panties drench as a dull ache pulses deep in my core.

“I didn’t know if you wanted this.” His lips brush mine as he speaks. “I’m so fucking drawn to you, Alayna. I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re my obsession.”

His words are music to my ears, which comes as a shock to me. I’m not a lovey-dovey type of woman, but I could listen to Xavier tell me how much he wants me all. day. long.

“I do want this, Xavier, but…” I press my lips against his once more, pressing my pelvis against his hardness.

He pulls away again. “But what?”

“But, I’m just…I’m not.” I swallow, hating that the phrasenot good enough for yourests on the tip of my tongue. “We’re not the same.”

“Oh, Alayna.” The sound of my name mixed with Xavier nibbling on my lower lip sends all rational thought out the window. “We are. We are just alike.”

For right now, or at least for tonight, I choose to believe him.

I throw my arms around him, and kiss him long and hard, our tongues exploring each other’s mouths. His hands work their way up my t-shirt, sliding up my sides until one hand palms my breast over my bra.

It’s happening. Oh my God. We’re going to fuck right here, right now.

That thought flies out the window as soon as the floodlight from a nearby house blares in our direction. We pull apart like two teens caught by a parent. “Run!” I say, and we head back down the path, dodging branches and giggling as we go.

Xavier jumps over the chain, and reaches over, lifting me up like I weigh nothing at all. He sets me back on my feet, and we don’t stop until we’re back in the bar parking lot. Neither of us can stop laughing.

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