Page 27 of Treasured

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“No, I’ve got all I need.” He closes the space between us, taking Scarab from my arms and sitting him on another seat. I unclick my belt and fling myself at him.

“You’re okay?” I ask with my face buried in his neck. “Tell me you're not shot.” I can’t hide the tremble in my voice.

“I’m fine.” He gives my ass a squeeze. “More than fine.”

I lift my head to glare at him but fail miserably. It’s hard not to smile when I stare at his handsome face.

“I take it that everything didn’t go as planned?” My fingers dig into his shirt, gripping him tightly. Not sure I’m ever going to let go of him again.

“All that matters is that I’m here, and we have the vase. That was always the final plan.”

“I love you,” I blurt out. His hands on my ass tighten. “I should have said it last night but—” He kisses me, cutting me off. I moan into his mouth as he carries me to the back of the plane.

I expect him to take me to the bed, but the second the door to the small bedroom closes, he’s got me pinned to it. He reaches under the dress I'm wearing to deal with my panties, quickly realizing there aren't any. A deep, sexy rumble leaves him when he finds that I’m not only bare but wet and ready for him.

He yanks at his own pants, freeing his cock. With one thrust, he’s all the way inside me. “Say it again,” he demands.

“I love you,” I moan. He pulls out and thrusts all the way back in again.

“Again,” he orders over and over again as he loses all control, taking me hard against the door. I take every inch of him, knowing he’s the only man I’ll ever want or love.

I’m all his.



Sipping my coffee, I stare out into the woods at the back of my property. Someone’s there. I can’t see them, but I can feel their eyes on me. An assassin sits beyond my view just waiting for the directive to kill me. This job chapped my ass from the start. Now knowing that I have what the client wants and can deliver it on time–I want more than ever to find out who this asshole is.

“Everything okay?” Milly snuggles into my side.

I turn her, keeping her shielded from the watcher in the woods.

“Yes. Are you all right? How’s the jet lag?” I kiss her softly.

“I’m fine, but Scarab has been snoring all day.”

I smirk and hold her tightly to me, her fluffy robe soft and warm like her. “He’s almost as addicted to you as I am.”

“You’re addicted to me?”

“Definitely. I’m in love. I suppose that’s what love is. Being completely wrapped up in someone else.”

“Then I’m definitely in love.” She giggles and lets me lead her to the kitchen.

“You two should stay awake all day. No napping.” Mrs. Verne waggles a finger at us as she pulls some fresh rolls from the oven.

“Those smell amazing.”

“Wait till I put the ham and cheese on them.” She slides the hot pan onto the stove and takes off her gloves. “Let them cool for a few minutes, and I’ll get you all set up. In the meantime, here’s a hot chocolate.” She doesn’t miss a beat as she hands Milly a steaming cup with a heap of marshmallows on top. Mrs. Verne is something of a mystery, but I’m always pleasantly surprised by the things she pulls from her sleeve. She’s already taken to Milly, but that isn’t any surprise. Milly’s easy to love, I’ve discovered.

“Mateo. A word.” She turns to me.

“This is so good. And extra marshmallows.” Milly sips her drink and takes a seat at the island.

“Let’s take the business to the office.” Mrs. Verne leads the way out of the kitchen.

“I’ll be right back.” I drop a kiss on Milly’s crown.

“Take your time. If I can drink all this one before you get back, I bet she’ll make me another.”

I can’t help but smile as I follow Mrs. Verne to my office. “What’s up?”

“Business.” She gives me a sharp look as she turns on her heel.

“Did you find out who was trying to take Milly?”

“Oh, I figured that out a while ago.” She waves a hand as if it’s water under the bridge. No the hell it is not.

“What?” I cock my head at her.

“It’s a rival family.” She shrugs. “These types of things are common among the big players. But you already dealt with them, so I put that on the back burner for now.”

“There’s nothing more important than keeping Milly safe.”

“I agree. So I focused my efforts on finding out who has assassins stationed all around our house and dogging our every step.”

“The client.” I sigh.

“Yes, the client.”

“I’m supposed to meet the bastard’s courier tonight.” I throw a glance at the safe along the side wall that’s hidden behind a bookcase. The vase is locked up tight.

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