Page 10 of Treasured

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“I don’t know,” Henry sighs through the phone. “Who’s the friend? I thought you hadn’t really made any.”

“This one’s new but trustworthy.”

He grumbles a little, then asks, “Wait, is she hot?”



“Look, if we tell Dad, you’ll miss your trip,” I remind him. “I’ll stay with my friend and then maybe we’ll tell Dad when you get back.”

“You sure about this?”

“Yep. It’s perfect.” I chirp, loving this idea more and more.

“All right. Don’t make me regret this, little sister.”

“I won’t.”

“Fine. I’ll see you when I get back. Be safe, Milly.”

“I will. Have fun.”

“I love you, sis.”

“Love you too,” I respond before ending the call.

I peek up through my lashes as I hand the phone back to Mateo. His stony expression worries me. Have I overstayed my welcome already?



“What?” She snuggles back down into the blankets, Scarab already letting out a faint kitty snore.


She wrinkles her nose. “You sure?”

“I just … I just don’t like how he didn’t ask more questions. A good brother would’ve–”

“Henry’s a good brother.” She shakes her head. “You just don’t know him like I do.”

I give her a stern stare.

“Well, I mean, yes, he can be sort of selfish at times. But that’s the way my father raised him. As heir to–” She slaps a hand over her mouth.

“Heir?” I knew there was more to Milly than just a girl being randomly attacked. But the more I’m with her, the more my suspicions grow. “You know why they tried to kidnap you, don’t you?”

She doesn’t look me in the eye. “I’m not sure.”

“How do you know the whole thing wasn’t a setup and I’m the real kidnapper?”

She snorts a cute little laugh. “You almost ditched me in the parking lot. Remember? I had to beg you to help me.”

“That was a mistake.” I don’t know why those words spring from my lips, but after I’ve said them, I know they’re true. I should’ve gone to her right away. The vase be damned. I know I would have tracked her back down. There is something about her I can’t shake.

“If you don’t want me to stay here, I can–”

“You’ll stay.” I sit beside her, and Scarab gives me a half glance before stretching out beside her. “I want you to. If they tried that hard to get you, they’ll try again. I just don’t understand why you won’t tell me who you are.” I’ll find out soon enough. All it’ll take is a little digging. Hell, Mrs. Verne may have already figured it out by now. Nothing gets past that woman.

“It’s … complicated.” She sighs. “And I was trying to make it uncomplicated by going to college and keeping a low profile. But it didn’t work out.” She yawns. “I think maybe I need to sleep on all of it, you know? I always feel better in the morning.”

I stand. There’s no way I’m keeping her from getting some rest.

“Stay?” She reaches out and takes my hand. “Please?”

I should say no. After all, I have a trip to plan, one that’ll include an additional passenger. I can’t leave her here. Not after what happened. Mrs. Verne could probably fight off a bear if she had to, but she’s getting older. If there were as many men as showed up in that parking lot, I don’t think she’d come out on top.

“I’m sorry. I know I’m needy and weird. I just really want you to stay here with me. Maybe, I don’t know, maybe I’m still scared inside, you know?” She pulls her hands away and presses her palms to her cheeks.

“Don’t be sorry.” I can’t say no to her. “Hang on a second.” I trot to the bathroom and change into a T-shirt.

When I get back to bed and crawl in beside her, she turns toward me, her eyes still luminous in the low light. “Thank you,” she whispers, then reaches out to scratch behind Scarab’s ears. He rolls over and stretches, more comfortable than I’ve ever seen him.

I itch to reach out to her, but first I’d have to knock Scarab out of the way. Not to mention, I should keep my hands to myself. She’s just an innocent girl, not someone who should ever get mixed up with me. Maybe she thinks she wants to, but that’s just the shock talking. “Just rest. You’re right. Everything will be better in the morning.” I settle in and listen for her to fall asleep.

When I wake, the first thing I notice is the warm, soft body up against me. The second is my hard cock. Somehow I’ve pulled one of Milly’s thighs over me, and I’ve got the head of my cock pressed against her panties.

She moans low in her throat and moves her hips.

Fuck, this feels good. So goddamn good. I thrust forward, and the little gasp that escapes her is beyond erotic.

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