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Cold sweat dotted my nose.

“They’re not lies but facts, black witch!” Kerry shouted, raising his left hand where three fingers were missing. He turned to face the crowd, his eyes emitting cold disdain. “Is this evil incarnation the queen you want, the fraud you choose to rule you? You don’t know what kind of fate you’ve assigned yourselves to. Fucking fools! We who support the dragons are cautious and wise enough to know the realm and all six cities belong to the royal dragon house.” He gave me a weary look and bowed. “And the one who stands in front of you is the one and true queen. The realm is Queen Daisy Danaenyth’s. You only rent it at her permission. You think you can get rid of the dragons? Think again. Anger the goddess, and the land will spit your bones out. Be grateful. Beg Queen Danaenyth to allow you to live on her land after what you’ve tried to do to her.”

“Heresy! Kill them all! Remove our enemies!” Lysandra ordered the crowd. “Humans Superior—” she stopped.

This time, no one moved, not even those who bore the dragon race ill intent.

“We bear witness to Mayor Kerry Clifford’s memories,” someone in the audience called out. “The consort Lysandra is not our queen! She distorted the truth and brainwashed us. She’s a black witch.”

For the first time, part of the crowd went against Lysandra.

“We demand to know who you work for!” someone else shouted. “Who’s your boss? You mentionedthequeen! Which queen?!”

That was a very good question.

“The dark Fae Queen, obviously,” Elvey said lazily, playing pull-and-push with Lysandra’s black magic.

The audience gasped. No one in the Dragon Realm was allowed to throw my aunt’s name around, but the humans in the six cities had heard how formidably powerful she was.

“Lysandra is the Fae Queen’s spy,” Elvey continued. “Fae aren’t allowed in the Dragon Realm, so the Fae Queen used her pawn. They struck a bargain. Lysandra will be rewarded the Fae elixir and gain immortality after she overthrows the dragons and kills the last dragon of the royal bloodline—your true queen Daisy Danaenyth. The witch almost succeeded with your help, and that would be genocide on your part. However, I think your gracious new queen will probably pardon you, considering you were brainwashed by the terrible witch Lysandra.”

“You bastard!” Lysandra cursed.

Elvey arched an eyebrow. “I might be a bastard, but I’m also a demigod. I know things. It feels good to expose you, bad witch. Didn’t expect I’d pop out to spoil your bloody fun, did you?” He tried to appear at ease, but beads of sweat coated his forehead, and his lavender hair was wild and tousled. “Don’t be so put out, bad witch. It’ll be all over for you soon.”

Lysandra roared, enraged. “Fuck you!”

“No, thanks. I have a particular taste, and you’re not it,” Elvey said, slanting a glance at me. He looked so hot saying that, heat swimming in his star-blue eyes.

I heard many women’s soft sighs from the audience.

A few dragons chuckled, but not my mates.

The living smoke suddenly blasted with brutal strength and pierced through Elvey’s shield of blue light. Elvey stumbled back and cursed.

“Not your type?” Lysandra sneered. “Let’s see how your type takes this.”

The smoke pushed toward me in sharp waves. At the same time, the entire façade of glass shattered. Shards of glass, thousands of them, didn’t drop but rose to the air and sailed toward me, toward my mates, our guards, and the mass behind us.

Black wind surrounded us.

The humans screamed and fell backwards, but there was nowhere to run from this attitude of attack.

The dragons formed walls of flesh around Kerry, Rosalinda, and me. Dragon fire poured out to melt the glass, lightning shot toward the witch, and ice battled the smoke and darkness.

Elvey roared and lunged toward us to shield me, and at the same time shot out his brilliant blue light again.

“The Fae Queen is boosting the witch through their link,” he shouted in warning.

Lysandra’s eyes turned black. My ancient lethal enemy—the pure evil—glared at me with hatred through them.

But I was ready this time, ready to vanquish the foul smoke, ready to defend my mates, my warriors, and my people.

I threw my hands up. A shield formed around all those I intended to protect.

White Light burst out of me like the sun storm.

“This is my land,” I declared. “This is my realm. You have no place here. You have no power here. I quench your foul magic and darkness! Be gone!”

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