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When Adrian, who had been my first crush, had returned, my mate had been tense since they’d heard about Sphinx’s riddle and had speculated that Adrian could be my final mate.

I’d missed Adrian for centuries and loved him fiercely. But when I saw him again, I hadn’t been drawn to him in a romantic way. Not anymore. My feelings toward Adrian became that of a dear friend, and I trusted him with my life as he was my Captain of the Guard.

The one last spot I had in my heart was reserved for Elvey.

All three pairs of eyes that belonged to my smoking hot, gorgeous mates stared at me, pain, hurt, and confusion in each pair.

Their pain hurt me, but I also had to be honest with myself and come clean with them. Then I’d wait for them to decide what to do with me and accept the consequences.

I licked my lips, my throat dry, and my heart drumming. “I do have feelings for Elvey,” I said.

Devastation clouded their eyes.

Rai looked like I had truly betrayed him, and he didn’t want to believe it. Blaze lifted his lips in a silent snarl. Iokul looked distant, as if he couldn’t care less and wouldn’t care any longer.

“It’s as strongly as I feel for you, all of you,” I continued. “I didn’t and don’t want to feel for him, but I can’t help it. Elvey is also my destined mate, just like you are.”

“I’ve had enough of this bullshit,” Blaze shouted. “You have three of us loving you. We try to satisfy you in every way possible. Yet it’s never enough. We’re never enough.”

“That’s not true,” I said, tears in my eyes.

“I don’t believe you,” Blaze said, his jaw set. There was so much hurt in his eyes that I could no longer defend myself.

As the silence extended, Iokul said, “Daisy is trying to be as truthful to us as to herself. We all heard of the Sphinx beast’s riddle. Fate arranged for her to have four mates instead of three.”

Rai drew a sharp breath and sighed. “The Fae can be tied to her as much as we to her. Sphinx announced,‘It’s not one, not two, and not three. Only when you find the missing piece of what heart desires will you finally find your way home.’If that’s what Fate wants for our mate, I don’t think we can fight it.”

“I won’t accept it,” Blaze said. “It’s him or us. Choose, Daisy.”

My face grew hard. “Don’t make me choose. I won’t go to him, but if he comes to me, I can’t deny him. I won’t. He’s part of my soul, just as you all are.”

“Then you’ll have to let me go,” he said.

Blaze stormed off, pulling the door open and slamming it shut. It hammered my heart harder than anything.

My throat burned from unshed tears.


Blaze threatened to break the bond with me. If I accepted Elvey, would Rai and Iokul also break up with me?

Sphinx’s riddle about the consequence of choosing between Elvey and my three dragon mates echoed in my mind.

I wouldn’t choose, just as I’d refused to choose between my three mates on Pandemonium. My heart bled at the prospect of losing them. But what if Elvey pushed the matter and came to me? How could I choose my three mates over him?

But how could I not accept him?

So far, Elvey hadn’t made a move, but the pull between us grew stronger every minute and would keep growing until the day I caved in. The mating fever between us had made me forget myself and every danger in the world. If Blaze hadn’t stopped me, I would have thrown myself into Elvey’s arms and kissed him fiercely.

I’d have gone further than that.

Perhaps I should stay away from Elvey, but the mere thought burned my stomach.

Elvey was stronger than anyone, I told myself. He knew how to take care of himself without me. He hadn’t had me for an eon. Yet, a stone-cold voice said,If he’s that good at taking care of himself, why did he become a blood slave to the dark Fae Queen?

I’d had a glimpse of his vulnerability that he wouldn’t show to anyone. My heart ached for him so much, and I couldn’t even comfort him.

I had never comforted him.

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