Page 50 of Echo Power

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Pulling my hands free of his, I march toward the periphery of the woods. The darkness inside that domain gives me a wriggly sensation in my gut, but I won't let fear constrain me anymore.

"Allison, stop!" Dax shouts.

Without looking back, I tell him, "You can come with me or not. Your choice."


I hear his footfalls pounding behind me, coming closer. But I realize too late why he's running and shouting.

Echo creatures close in around me, emerging from the shadows as if they'd been lying in wait for me.

Oh shit.

I freeze, but the creatures have surrounded me. Everywhere I hear the sounds of gnashing teeth, growling, talons clicking, and even slurping. I don't want to know what these monsters have in mind for me.

Dax crashes through the bushes and stops alongside me, breathing hard. "What the bloody hell did you think you were doing? Running off on your own?"

"Sorry, it was a dumb thing to do. Got any ideas for getting us out of this mess?"

"Afraid not. These creatures were already here on the property, and I doubt Sefton would've left without casting wards around the entire estate, including the forest."

I glance sideways at Dax because moving my head, or even my eyes, strikes me as dangerous right now. "Are you saying these creatures work for him? I wondered if that was the case, but Sefton didn't specify who his guards are."

"The Echo creatures clearly protect the estate. Sefton means to keep us locked in."

Oh, perfect. We're trapped. And what a deceptively beautiful snare it is.

A creature with bronzed skin and hairy flesh moves away from the others as if he's the leader of Sefton's gang of monsters. Yeah, I know for sure the creature is male. He's not wearing any clothes, unless a coat of hair counts.

"You aren't meant to leave," the creature says. "The master forbade it."

I glance at Dax. He has clenched his fists and his jaw too. I've seen that look before. He's about to charge into battle, but he shouldn't do that. We're outnumbered. I close my hand around his fist. "Don't. They aren't going to hurt us. They can't. Sefton wouldn't like it if they did."

Dax grasps my hand. "Turn around slowly."

We rotate in unison, one tiny step at a time, and begin to walk back toward the house. I risk a glance over my shoulder, but the creatures aren't following. They stay in the shadowy confines of the woods, almost as if they can't come any closer to the house. Maybe Sefton created a boundary to keep the creatures where he wants them. He needs us, for now, so I doubt he would give his minions free rein. Too much temptation for vicious beasts.

Dax halts halfway across the lawn, angling sideways to see the woods.

I turn too. The creatures have retreated out of sight. The lawn is off limits to them, apparently, like everything beyond the house and the lawn is off limits to me and Dax.

"What should we do now?" I ask.

"No idea. Wait, I suppose."

"Uh-uh. Told you I won't twiddle my thumbs until His Majesty comes home."

Dax folds his arms over his chest. "What do you suggest we do, then?"

"Oh, I've got an idea. But you won't like it."

"Tell me anyway. Then I'll know whether I need to restrain you again."

I think he's joking. It can be hard to tell with him, but I'm pretty sure he's teasing me.

He arches one brow. "Did you come up with a plan? Or were you having me on?"

"Yes, I have a plan." I square my shoulders and lift my chin. "Teach me how to fight."
