Page 83 of Aidan in a Kilt

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"What don't you want me to see?"

"Nothing," she says, her voice pitched a little higher than usual. She crimps her mouth and swings her arms like she's pretending there's nothing to see inside the house.

Aye, now I'm dead sure thereissomething to see.

I lean over her shoulder to peer through the gap between the curtains. My jaw tenses, and I feel a muscle ticking there. Eyes narrowed, I let out a wee noise that sounds almost like a growl.

Because there on the sofa, Calli's brother is mauling my sister. They sit side by side facing each other. Gavin has one arm stretched across the sofa's back while he kisses Jamie. Passionately. With tongues. She has one hand thrust into his hair, cupping the back of his head as they ravish each other's mouths.

I didnae need to see that.

Does that scunner think he can debauch my sister without getting a thrashing?

"Calm down," Calli says, turning around to lay her hands flat on my chest in a vain effort to push me away from the window and the house. "They're adults. If they want to—"

I grasp the knob and shove the door open.

Jamie and Gavin jump. Her hand flies to her mouth, but he adopts a look of confused innocence.

Oh aye, that expression seems completely genuine. If I were a numpty with mud for brains.

Calli rushes inside, shutting the door, and seizes my arm to stall me as I stomp toward the sofa. I halt, eying her sideways.

"Let's not overreact," she tells me.

But I snort out a breath anyway, like a rampaging bull.

Gavin pushes up off the sofa. "Hey, didn't think you'd be back so soon."

He cannae believe we'll have a casual conversation after what I just saw him doing to my baby sister.

"Duh," Calli says. "Figured you wouldn't be sucking face with Aidan's sister if you thought he was about to come home."

My gaze rotates toward her again. I mouth, "Home?"

"You two are living together," Gavin says. "I knew it."

Calli bites one corner of her mouth, her gaze flitting from Gavin to me and back again. "Not the way you mean. He sleeps here."

"With you."

"Honestly, we've already had this conversation." She tugs at the hem of her shirt. "Aidan is not my boyfriend."

I'm not? That's news to me since she called this my home too and we've been sharing the same bedroom.

Jamie, Gavin, and I all smirk and snicker at Calli's barmy claim.

With her hands on her hips, she tries to scowl at us, but her indignation seems to crumble away. Slumping her shoulders, she lets her arms go limp at her sides.

Jamie hops up and aims her bright, dimpled smile at Calli. "Gavin's not my boyfriend either, then."

Calli sighs. "Are all you Scottish people so snarky?"

"You like it," I say, slipping an arm around her shoulders. Then I murmur, "From me, at least."

She relaxes into me, apparently giving up her fruitless battle to convince the rest of us.

"Would you mind," Jamie says to Calli, "if Gavin was my boyfriend?"

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