Page 68 of Aidan in a Kilt

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Sometime later, I rouse because the bed has begun to rock like a boat on rough seas. The mattress bounces, and I hear panting and chuffing noises. Peeling my lids apart, I look into the eyes of a grinning puppy. Before I'm awake enough to stop her, Misty slavers a sloppy kiss over my mouth. Spluttering, I push up into a sitting position.

Mandy leaps on me, planting her front paws on my shoulders to get close enough to give me a puppy kiss. Fortunately, I see it coming this time and block her with one raised hand. The furry lassies bark and jump around, rocking the bed again.

What else can I do? Saying no to adoring females has never been my forte. So I pull them both against me, one puppy under each arm, and babble to them while rubbing their chests.

After a few minutes, I crawl off the bed and get dressed, choosing khaki trousers and a blue button-down shirt. Though I donnae care what Gavin thinks of me, I'm trying to make a better impression on him, for Calli's sake. Walking into the living room while half-naked and wet wasn't the best way to introduce myself.

Halfway down the hall, I'm waylaid by the puppies again and kneel to scratch behind their ears. I don't mean to eavesdrop, but it's hard not to hear the voices coming from the other side of the living room, where the bar separates it from the kitchen. Calli stands in front of Gavin, who sits on a stool.

"Yep," Gavin says in a knowing tone, "that's right. You moon over him, and I'm guessing you don't even realize you're doing it. Man, you've got it bad, don't you?"

Calli has it bad for who? Me, I assume. Though I love the idea that she might "moon" over me, I doubt she appreciates her brother's comment.

She clamps her lips between her teeth and shifts her gaze to the kitchen cabinets.

Gavin laughs softly, not mocking his sister, just expressing a growing understanding of the situation. "At least promise me if you marry him, you won't move to Scotland."

Her attention snaps back to her brother. "I'm not marrying Aidan."

A knot tightens in my gut when I hear her say that. Does she have to sound so positive it will never happen?

"No?" Gavin says. "You say that like there's no way in hell you'd even consider it. You always wanted to get married. I remember you acting out fake weddings between your Barbie and Ken dolls."

"That was a long time ago."

"What's happened to you, C?"

I've wondered the same thing ever since I met Calli. I know her anxieties revolve around her husband, but there's more to it. I'm sure of that.

"Whatever's going on with you," Gavin says, "you can tell me."

She opens her mouth, clearly about to speak, though I recognize the panicked look in her eyes.

And I decide to rescue the lass from a conversation that's fashing her.

I amble into the living room, straight to the bar.

Gavin smirks at his sister, probably because she's gazing at me with an expression that I can best describe as "moony." I've never used that word before, but it seems appropriate now.

"Good morning," I say, smiling at Calli's brother. "Are you joining us for breakfast, Gavin?"

"Sure," he says while still smirking. "You guys must be starving after all that…driving."

Calli shoots her brother a sharp look.

I had told Gavin about our road trips yesterday, but he must've guessed our activities involved more than sightseeing. Hardly difficult to suss that out, given the way Calli looks at me. I must look at her the same way.

Gavin's lips warp as he struggles not to laugh.

"Better have a quick breakfast," Calli says. "We have to pick Jamie up at the airport."

Mhac na galla. I'd almost forgotten about Jamie.

Gavin and I begin discussing breakfast options while Calli heads for her bedroom to get dressed. Gavin isn't such a bad bloke once he eases up on the deadly Marine thing. I understand a man feeling protective of his baby sister, but there is nothing Gavin could do that would make me walk away from Calli.

She might be afraid to marry me—and she technically can't, not yet—but Gavin is right about one thing. She can't hide her affection and desire for me. It shows on her face every time we look at each other, and I'm sure my feelings for her are obvious too.

What will happen once Jamie gets here? Will she approve of Calli? I hope she gives up the idea of landing an American man.

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