Page 52 of Lachlan in a Kilt

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"How is she? The last time we talked on the phone, Erica sounded tired or depressed, but she swore she's fine. We haven't heard from her in a while, though."

Though I've thought the same thing about Erica, the answer to that question is none of my concern. But her mother is worried, and I can't ignore what she asked me. Bowing my head, I say, "Aye, she's well. We had a picnic at the beach yesterday—with Casey, of course. Couldn't leave the furry little fellow at home."

"Oh, that's wonderful. I'm so glad she's having fun." Deb sighs. "I wish Erica would tell me what's bothering her, but she can be as stubborn as a mule sometimes. Maybe you can sweet talk the truth out of her. Since you're friends."

She makes friendship sound like we're filming a pornographic movie together. And I suppose we did do that, without the filming part. Tonight, we enjoyed each other's bodies in ways I will not describe to Erica's mother. "You are right, Mrs. Teague. She can be stubborn when—"

Two shapely legs move in front of me half a second before a delicate hand yanks the mobile out of my grasp. A breath explodes out of Erica as she holds the mobile to her ear.

"Mom?" she says, then listens to whatever Mrs. Teague is telling her. "I— well—" She drops her lovely erse onto the bed, turning her back on me. "I didn't think about it? It's a recent development."

I watch in silence as the woman I shagged earlier reverts to the demeanor of a teenage lass caught with a boy in her room after midnight. It's so endearing that I want to kiss her.

"Mom!" Erica cries out, jerking as if she means to get up, but then she clamps her fingers over the bed's edge instead. She angles away from me more and mutters something she must think I won't hear. "One hundred percent grade-A certified."

I did hear that, though. What or who is "grade-A certified"? I can't imagine why they would be talking about poultry, but that's the only thing I can think of that has letter grades assigned to it.

"Bye, Mom." Erica disconnects the call and turns to me, her lips puckered. "Why did you answer my phone? It was in my purse."

"I…" Rubbing the back of my neck, I shrug one shoulder. "I was groggy, and when I heard a mobile ringing, I tracked it down." I flash her a frown. "You left it on the table by the sofa, not in your purse. Didn't realize it was yours until I answered."

She tilts her head back and grumbles. "Fine, it's not your fault."

I stretch out on the bed behind her. "Your mother says you haven't called in some time. Why is that?"

Erica throws a hand up. "Off-limits."

Bollocks. My rules just slapped me in the face, again. But my talk with Mrs. Teague made me wonder even more about Erica's state of mind. I should ignore it, but I suddenly find I can't.

I place my lips on her back and pepper kisses on her skin until I reach her nape. "I'll make no judgments, you have my word. You can tell me anything."

"Forget it."

I nibble on her shoulder and flick my tongue out to taste her skin. "Please tell me."

"It's against the rules."

With my mouth on her shoulder, I sit here without moving for a long moment. She's right, and I'm abod ceann. A sigh gusts out of me. "Understood."

She glances around as if she's unsure of something. "Do I stay? It's fine if you want me to go. I'm not up on the etiquette of flings."

"Course I want you to stay."

She focuses on fiddling with her mobile, which results in her lips tightening and trembling faintly, but the quivering passes in a few seconds. She sets the device on the bedside table.

I coil an arm around her waist. "Come back to bed."

Erica lies down on her side, facing away from me, and nestles her body against mine.

Soon, I will fall asleep. But I know I need to keep to the rules I set for these four weeks with Erica. I long to know all about her and to help her in whatever way I can, but it's too dangerous. Aisley ruined me, and I won't risk another disaster.

No, never.

Chapter Seventeen

Today, Erica is showing me her favorite places in Chicago. I've been to America before, but never this city, and I've never had such a sweet, sexy tour guide. Right now, we're standing beside the gigantic skeleton of a dinosaur that died millions of years ago, and Erica is gazing up at the skull of theTyrannosaurus rexwith a look of sheer wonder on her face.

I never would have guessed she loves dinosaurs. But then, I don't know much about her.

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