Page 15 of One Hot Scandal

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"We don't need to show affection in private."

"Au contraire." I cradle her cheek in my free hand. "We need to keep up the pretense at all times, just in case anyone is spying on us."

"No, Lord Sommerleigh. You will never seduce me because I've inoculated myself against your charms. I'm immune now."

"Are you?" I paint a trail of light kisses across her cheek while I tip her head back in preparation for what we both want. "Let's test your theory."

I crush my lips to hers and hold that sexy body tightly against me while I dive my tongue deep into her mouth. She holds perfectly still and rigid—for about two seconds. Then I lash my tongue around hers, and she sags into me with the sweetest little moan I've ever heard.

And we ravish each other.

Chapter Six


What am I doing? I should not be kissing Hugh or diving my tongue into his mouth or throwing my arms around his neck. But in the past few seconds, I've done all three. We're consuming each other like the world might explode at any moment and we need to experience all the passion we possibly can before that happens.

This is crazy. I don't kiss my clients, and I certainly do not agree to become their fake girlfriend. Hugh Parrish has turned me into a lust-drunk lunatic. Resisting his advances shouldn't become the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but it is. Not that I've done much resisting.

God, I love the way he kisses. When he groans and squeezes my ass, I plunge my fingers into his hair and wriggle like I'm trying to climb onto him. Why does he have to taste so damn good? Feel so damn good? As hard as I've tried to convince myself I would never fall under Lord Steamy's spell again, I've done it anyway.

He peels his lips away from mine so slowly that my sex throbs. "How's that theory holding up?"

I blink rapidly and try to ignore the slickness between my thighs. "Huh? Oh, that. One kiss doesn't mean I've lost my immunity to you."

Lord Sommerleigh chuckles. "Doesn't it? My, you are stubborn. Fortunately, I like that in a woman."

"This will be a fake relationship. Remember that."

"Yes, I'll bear that in mind the next time you thrust your tongue into my mouth and try to mount me on my desk with your clothes on."

I slide off the desk and try to tug my jacket down, but I wind up stumbling sideways instead.

"Don't worry, darling," he says. "The effects of my charm wear off gradually. Sit down and let yourself recover."

"You are even more arrogant than I thought."

He sits down in his chair. "Maybe I am, but many women can attest to the power of my charms."

Why do I get the feeling I've accidentally reawakened the man-whore in him? Maybe I've just made a terrible mistake, but I can't back out now. If his reputation is shot, mine will be too. "This is a business arrangement, Lord Sommerleigh, not an excuse for hot sex. We will set parameters for this fake relationship."

"Go on. Tell me your parameters. What a sensual word that is."

Oh yeah, I've definitely reawakened Lord Steamy.Good job, Avery. "Pay attention, please. These are the rules. We will not kiss except in public and then only enough to convince everyone we're a genuine couple. Everything we do together will serve to promote the charade and convince the world we're in a serious relationship."

Hugh steeples his fingers, and his lips curve into a sly, sexy expression. "A couple in a serious relationship would be shagging."

"No sex. You will not touch me in any intimate way unless it's part of the aforementioned public displays."

"I love the way you say 'aforementioned.' It makes me want to kiss you again."

"Too bad. Kissing is off limits except—"

"In public. Yes, yes, I heard your ruddy rules." He rises and offers me his hand. "Let's formally seal our pretense. I vow I shall not seduce you unless you want me to do it. It's your turn."

I slip my hand into his. "We have a deal."

"You didn't vow not to seduce me. That's probably best, since you can't keep your lips off me."

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