Page 57 of One Hot Escape

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The cheeky arse walks away.

I take hold of Maddie's hands and help her get up. "Lunch is almost ready."

"Great. I'm famished."

"But I have another surprise for you first. To complete my two-arm parallel assignment."

"You really shouldn't use that term since you have no clue what it means." She pats my cheek. "But it's adorable that you're trying to use my scientific terms."

I step away from her, creating a gap of several feet between us. "Close your eyes, Maddie. I have one more test for you, and it was my brother's idea."

"He's finally here? I've been waiting to meet him."

"Now you can. But close your eyes first."

She does what I asked.

I wave at the person who waits just outside the door to the house. My brother strides over to us, flashes me a snarky smile, then leans in close to Maddie. He blows a breath over her lips.

That was not part of the plan. I want to tell him to bugger off, except that would ruin our little test.

But I do scowl at him.

Nick grins and winks, enjoying this game a bit too much for my taste. His mouth is far too close to Maddie's when he speaks. "Do you still think all British men sound the same? Maybe I should kiss you to make sure this test is thorough."

Did his lips brush against hers? I think they did. The sod seems to be trying it on with my girlfriend. And why has he made his voice lower and huskier like he really is trying it on with Maddie?

No, he's not doing that. I'm an arsehole for thinking it. Nick might be more like Reese Dixon than like me, but he's not a girlfriend thief. This is the first time I've introduced Maddie to my brother or any of my family, so of course, I'm a tiny bit anxious about having her meet Nick. For our entire relationship until today, we'd been sequestered on a Caribbean island. Coming home feels good, but also strange. And I have no idea how she'll react to my brother.

"Well, Maddie?" Nick asks with his mouth still much closer to hers than necessary. "Should I give you a big, hot, wet kiss?"

"Nice try, but I know you're Nick."

"You know?" He backs away from her, shaking his head. "I suppose my impersonation of Rick wasn't very convincing. It's hard to talk like a businessman who has a stick permanently shoved up his arse."

"Can I open my eyes now?"

I open my mouth to say yes.

But my brother intervenes. "Not yet. One more small test. One of us is going to kiss you."

"Like hell you're kissing Maddie," I say, grabbing Nick's arm to drag him farther away from her. "She's my girlfriend. Get your own."

"How did you find your soul mate before I found mine? I'm much more entertaining than you."

"Yes, you and Reese love to harass me and the other mature men in the room." When Nick tries to move closer to Maddie, I slap a hand on his chest to stop him. "The test is over. Open your eyes, Maddie."

She does that, and her jaw drops. "But you—your faces—holy shit." She smacks my arm, much harder than I'd slapped Nick's chest. "You rat. Why didn't you tell me you have a twin brother?"

Nick slaps a hand on my shoulder. "He's embarrassed because I'm the one the ladies love. Rick has always had his nose in a book while I was chasing skirts."

Maddie glances at me. "Rick does just fine with the ladies."

"I'm a massage therapist," my brother announces. "That means I know all the best ways to touch a woman."

"Piss off, Nick," I say, elbowing him out of the way.

He raises his hands, palms out. "All right, Rick, settle down. Naturally, you're sensitive about blokes talking to your girl. She's the first one you've ever brought home to meet Mum and Dad."

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