Page 50 of One Hot Escape

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"You do the same for me."

"Lie on your back, please."

I slide off his lap and settle in beside him on the blanket.

Rick turns on his side, facing me. For a moment, he just lies there drinking in the sight of me. "You have the most beautiful body I've ever seen, but I love your eyes most of all."

"I love your smile best." I skate my hand along his arm, helpless to resist squeezing his biceps. "But your body is what I need right now."

He gets a condom out of his pants pocket and covers himself. "Spread your legs for me, love."

Without a second's hesitation, I do it.

He kneels over me, placing one leg between both of mine, then lifts my leg onto his shoulder while he turns sideways, bracing his other arm on the blanket near my hip. My free leg is now wedged between his thighs, and when he pushes inside me oh-so-slowly, I feel every inch of him gliding in deeper and deeper until he can't go in any farther. When he starts to thrust in easy, measured strokes, I feel him even more. His body is rubbing against my clitoris like never before and the intensity of the sensations has me gasping and begging him to go even deeper. His biceps bulge from the effort of holding himself in this position, but he seems relaxed and focused on the task like it's no effort at all. God, that makes me want him even more. He's so strong, so agile, so adventurous and creative, all the things that make a man an incredible lover.

But the thing that makes me so hot for him that I can barely breathe isn't his physical strength or the way he's thrusting into me. It's the way he keeps his gaze trained on mine. I can't stop looking at him. The heat in his blue eyes burns into me, sizzling through my entire body, and I desperately want to grip his arms or his shoulders, but I can't reach him.

"Rick," I moan. "Come closer, please. I need to touch you."

He angles toward me, forcing my leg to bend backward, and suddenly I'm grateful for all those yoga classes I took. He tilts closer and closer, pushing my leg toward my chest while easing it slightly to the side to make room for his body. When he lowers his head, his mouth comes within an inch of mine. "Close enough?"

"Yes, thank you."

I grip his face with both hands and kiss him, plunging my tongue inside his mouth in strokes that match the pace of his cock plunging into my body. He groans deeply, the sound resonating in his chest and vibrating into me. He's rubbing into my stiff nub even more now, and he begins to thrust harder and faster, spurring me to push my tongue into his mouth harder and faster too.

He pries his lips away from mine. "God, Maddie, I—"

"Keep going, Rick, please. I'm so close."

My body is on fire from head to toe, but the blaze burns hottest deep inside where he's consuming me with strokes that grow wilder with every thrust. I grip his arms, arching my back, my mouth falling open though I can't make any sounds. Everything inside me tightens and readies for the climax that's about to rip me through me any second. I can't breathe, caught in that moment right before bliss hits, teetering on the edge for so long that my ears start to ring.

Rick pulls his hips back and punches into me, shouting my name.

And I sail off that precipice, free-falling into a mind-altering orgasm, sailing through outer space with my eyes squeezed shut while stars burst around me. Weightless, I soar through the emptiness, but I don't feel empty or alone, not with his length inside me and my body clenching his cock over and over. When he shouts my name again and slams into me one last time, the pleasure of feeling his release explode out of him makes me come even harder. It launches me into deep space, where nothing exists except the two of us joined in every way.

Once it's over, I float back down to earth. Sucking in a deep breath, I force myself to exhale it slowly. I keep doing that until the ringing in my ears fades. Rick is still inside me, still on top of me, but he has his face buried against my neck. His chest heaves, and his breaths bluster over my skin. He mumbles something, but it's muffled by my neck.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," I say, running my hands over his back.

He lifts his head to look at me. "I said that was the best sex in the history of the world."

I laugh. "Best in history? Wow, I might need to put that on a bumper sticker. 'Maddie gives Richard the best orgasms since the dawn of time.' No, that won't work. It's too long to fit on a bumper sticker."

"Shorten it to 'Maddie plus Rick equals best shag ever.' That might fit." He pulls out of my body and rolls off me, though he slings an arm over me to hold me close. His chin rests on my shoulder. "I need to go home. Back to England."

That beautiful glow I've been enjoying since our simultaneous climaxes evaporates. He's leaving. I knew it would happen sooner or later, but I'd let myself forget it for all this time. My chest aches, but it's not a heart condition. Well, in a way it is. My heart hurts from the strength of my response to his announcement, and the truth of what that means hits me.

I never want to say goodbye to Richard Hunter.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Maybe I've chosen the exact wrong moment to spring that announcement on Maddie. I do need to go home, but I don't want to leave her. Yes, I talked her into the idea of two weeks with no strings, and then we say goodbye. But the time I've spent with Maddie has been the happiest of my life, and I want it to go on forever, here on this enchanted island with this sweet, wonderful woman. It can't go on forever, though. I have responsibilities that I've ignored for too long.

I'd love to blame sex for distracting me, but until a few minutes ago, we hadn't shagged since that first night. The second I'd spoken the words, telling Maddie I need to leave, I'd experienced a strange discomfort, not quite a pain, not quite nausea.

Maddie sits up, strapping her arms around herself. "You're leaving? Just like that?"

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