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While the limo drove away, and the ubiquitous tin cans rattled along behind it, I slipped an arm around Damian's waist and leaned my head against his shoulder. My throat went thick. Tears stung my eyes. Ollie and Mara, the two sweetest people on earth, had found their happily ever after, and so had I. Damian gave it to me.

And we were engaged.

Oh. My. God.

Damian kissed the top of my head. "Don't worry. We can get married tomorrow or wait five years. I don't care as long as I have you."

"Let's not wait five years, but tomorrow might be a bit too soon. I need to plan our wedding, you know. Plus, I've got my awesome new job."

"No rush. I'll wait forever for you."

God, I loved him.

After the limo drove out of sight, everyone went back inside to enjoy the party. Damian and I didn't run off to that closet after all. We stayed with our friends to celebrate. I wasn't disappointed at all because, hey, I loved a party. Everybody knew that. Maybe I hadn't let myself really cut loose in way too long, but tonight, I got back to being the old me—the real me. I partied hearty, doing every dance move I could pull off in this dress, and Damian joined me for every single silly thing I wanted to do. He came up with ideas of his own too, like juggling deviled eggs. Seriously, he did that. Damian called it "an old Ludar wedding tradition," but everyone knew he was making that up because he smirked and winked when he issued his proclamation.

That night, Damian and I slept in my room in the guest house.

After that, the days went by so fast. The families hung around for a couple more days to kick back, which gave us more time to spend with the Petrescus. Damian and I debated whether to tell them our happy news yet, but we finally decided they should hear it from us in person. So we took Damian's parents, his brother, his sister-in-law, and their two kids for a nature walk. Once we got well away from the resort, with no one else around, we stopped the group and faced them, hand in hand.

"We have some news," Damian said.

Monica raised her hands in a grand gesture and smiled. "You're engaged."

"Jeez, Mom, you could've at least let us tell you ourselves."

Adrian Petrescu chuckled. "Mothers always know these things."

Monica held two fingers to each of her temples and squinted. "I foresee children. Many children." She smiled and winked at us. "I foresee that happening soon."

Stefan grinned. "Better hope the kids look like Heidi, not my rat-faced brother."

"Uncle Damian is cute," said the niece of the man in question. "That's what my friends keep saying, anyway."

Damian rolled his eyes. "Is anybody going to congratulate us?"

"Of course, dear," Monica said. She threw her arms around both of us. "Congratulations. I knew from the moment I saw you two together that this would happen. You're destined for a long and happy life together. The spirits have assured me of that." Monica kissed Damian's cheek, then mine. "And your union will produce many grandchildren for me to spoil."

Damian half-scowled, half-smiled. "Mom, would you get off the 'many children' prophecy already? You're scaring Heidi."

"No, she's not," I said with a laugh. "Bring on the army of Ludar babies. I can handle it. They'll only be half Ludar, though."

"Nonsense," Monica said, patting my cheek. "You are one of us now. Ludar by desire, if not by blood."

"Thank you, Monica. That's so kind of you to say."

"Call me Mom. You're joining the family, after all."

My throat tightened. She wanted me to call her Mom. How would my actual mother feel about me marrying a gypsy and joining his family? I'd have to tell my parents, but just thinking about that made me slightly nauseous.

Damian's mother hugged me. "Don't worry, dear. Your parents will see the light one day."

The families went home the next day, but we hadn't shared our news with anyone other than Damian's family. When Ollie and Mara came home a week later, we knew it was time to break the news.

Damian being, well, Damian, he decided to make a big splash. He waited until everyone was gathered in the dining hall, including Val, Eve, Mara, and Ollie. We were seated at the same table with them. Our friends had gotten a touch suspicious when Damian insisted we all must eat in the dining hall tonight, but they went along with it.

Now, Damian jumped onto the table and hollered, "May I have your attention, please. Heidi and I have an announcement to make."

Everyone stopped talking. All eyes turned to us.
