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Yeah, two drunk morons thought it was a fantastic idea to find their girlfriends and show off how drunk they were.

At the time, it sounded like the best plan ever.

I grabbed Ollie's arm to stop him halfway down the hall. "We should change clothes first."

"Yeah," he said with a stupid grin. "And I know exactly what we should wear. The girls'll go nutso for it."

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Mara and I were sitting on chaises watching Val and Sylvester playing kickball. They weren't concerned with who won but only with having a good time ribbing each other. Val wore his work uniform, but Sly went nude. Well, he was here to enjoy the naturist lifestyle.

Suddenly, Val froze with his foot on the ball. Something past our chairs had captured his attention and made his brows furrow.

"What's wrong?" Sly asked, then he tracked Val's gaze past us, and his face took on a similar expression. "Is that… No, it can't be."

"It is," Val said.

Mara sat forward. "What are you two talking about?"

"Look." Val pointed toward the guest house behind us.

Both Mara and I twisted around on our chaises to see what had caught the men's attention.

Damian and Ollie were walking toward us. Well, staggering toward us. They would move in a straight line for a couple of seconds, then list one way or the other while laughing and slapping each other's arms. Ollie tripped—over grass, it seemed like—and Damian seized his friend's arm to keep him from tumbling over. Just when Ollie regained his balance, sort of, Damian stumbled and staggered sideways.

Oh no. It couldn't be. They wouldn't. Not this early.

They each wore some type of skirt that seemed to be made of hand towels held together by a band of purple duct tape around the waist. No shirts, no shoes, no socks, nothing but those skirts.

Mara leaped off her chaise. "Ollie! What's wrong with you?"

I knew she hadn't figured out what her fiancé's problem was because she looked panicky and worried. If she'd recognized the truth, she'd probably be yelling at him instead of racing toward him.

Damian and Ollie aimed lopsided grins at…no one in particular.

Oh yeah, no doubt about. They were wasted.

I jumped up and hurried after Mara.

The boys halted, waiting for Mara to reach them. I got there two seconds after her.

Ollie swayed, grinning like the drunken fool he was. "Mara, babycakes, you're so friggin' hot."

He slurred those words.

"Pshaw," Damian slurred. "She's nothin' next to Hi-dee-ho-ho-ho."

Ollie rolled his eyes at Damian.

Mara's gaze flicked back and forth between the two men. "What's going on? Ollie, why are you acting this way?"

Jeez, had Mara never seen a drunk person before? Considering the snobby circles her family socialized in, maybe she really hadn't.
