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Blood was rushing to my cock, but I couldn't focus on anything except the look on her face, a cross between intense pleasure and pain. I ground my hand into her nub, moving my fingers faster and faster and faster. Her body tensed, and her mouth fell open. The second I felt the first hint of a spasm inside her, I sealed my mouth over hers and thrust my tongue deep, swallowing the cry that erupted from her throat. Her body gripped my finger again and again while I kept working her flesh until she was done.

I broke the kiss, breathing almost as hard as she was.

"Wow," she said, her voice breathy. "That was…wow."

"I love it when a woman comes so hard she can't manage a complete sentence." I pulled my hand away from her body and raised my fingers to my mouth, licking them one by one with deliberate slowness, groaning at the flavor of her. "Not sure I need food. The taste of you could sustain me for days."

"But you promised me dinner." She didn't sound breathless anymore, though her cheeks were still pink. "And for the record, I spoke a whole sentence. I said, 'that was wow.' I wasn't incapable of speech."

"I don't think 'wow' counts as part of a sentence, but I'll be a gentleman and give you that one."

"Thank you." She laid a hand on my cheek. "And I mean thank you for the orgasm too."

"My pleasure."

"No, that's what comes next." She cupped my dick through my pants. "I did promise."

"Better fix your dress first."

She wriggled until she had her dress back in position, then she took hold of the zipper on my pants.

The waiter marched up to our table carrying the actual appetizers we had ordered. While he set the food down, another waiter ushered a party of four to the table beside ours. Though a partial wall separated the booths, the two guys sitting right behind me were tall enough to see us if they looked this way.

I leaned close to Heidi and murmured, "Think we better hold off on that thing you wanted to do."

She feigned a pout.

The waiter left, and we stuck to talking and eating.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Rats. I had so wanted to give Damian head in the restaurant, especially after what he did to me. But fate intervened in the form of four obnoxious men who got seated right beside our booth and who kept laughing too loudly and glancing in our direction. Well, glancing at me. At my breasts.

Damian and I ignored them as much as possible. He even gave me his jacket so I could cover up my breasts in hopes that would make those twerps give up on leering at me. The tactic worked, thank goodness. We enjoyed our steak dinners and talked, then ordered a yummy, gooey dessert that we fed to each other. I'd never had a more perfect date in my life, despite the loud twerps in the next booth.

Between dinner and dessert, we danced. A jazz quartet played a lazy, sensual song while we shuffled around like two people who had no idea how to dance and didn't care. Damian held me in his arms while I rested my cheek on his shoulder. It was so romantic, and I wanted to commit this entire night to memory so I could relive it in my mind.

I kept Damian's jacket on until we walked out of the restaurant, not because I worried about men leering at me, No, I'd only thought about that for a few minutes, when those jerks were at their most obnoxious. I kept his jacket because I loved having the scent of him around me and the fabric that had touched him touching me. Once we walked out the doors, I gave it back to him.

"You can keep it," he said. "Looks better on you."

"But I want the whole Ludar James Bond experience on the drive home."

"How can I say no to that?" He took the jacket and slipped it on. "Sorry I don't have an Aston Martin to take you home in style."

"Your Ford Explorer is sexy enough for me."

As we headed into the parking lot, he pushed the button on his key fob to unlock the SUV. "If I'd known all I needed to get you in bed was a Ford Explorer and a suit, I would've given you that the first time we met."

"I wasn't ready for you yet. Now I am."

He opened the passenger door for me. "You were worth the wait."

I settled onto the seat, gazing up at him. "It wasn't the car or the suit that made me want you. It was the palm reading."

"Ludar seduction at its finest."
