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He pulled his arms away.

And I dived backward into the blue water.

Chapter Twenty


Heidi and I did not have sex in the hot spring. She was game, but I suggested we should wait awhile before we got it on again. Yeah, I said that. Me. I'd never taken a celibacy vow, and I wasn't exactly known for my restraint when it came to sex, but I'd never pestered a woman to sleep with me either. Still, not doing it when the girl wanted to wasn't my style either. What about Heidi made me want to do anything, even go without sex, just to be with her?

When Heidi dived backward into the hot spring, her face had lit up with the most beautiful, joyful smile I'd ever seen. I got a weird tightness in my chest, like I was having a high blood-pressure attack or something. For a minute, maybe longer, I stood there and watched her paddling around in the blue waters with steam curling up from the surface. Her joy softened into a look of blissful satisfaction, but that didn't make sense. How could she feel blissfully happy from swimming?

The more important question was, why did I feel blissfully happy watching her?

When she dunked her head under the water, I jumped in feet first. Water sprayed up around me.

Heidi surfaced, drenched and grinning. "Took you long enough. I thought you'd gone catatonic the way you were staring at me. Or maybe you think I'm crazy."

"You're crazy-hot, that's for sure." I swam to her and hugged her body to mine. "I like watching you have fun. Nobody does fun better than Heidi Mackenzie."

"I kind of forgot how to enjoy myself." She swept wet hair away from her face, then clasped her hands at my nape. "You helped me remember. Thank you, Damian."

"Nah. All I did was seduce you. The 'fun' part you did all by yourself."

Her lips curled into a sexily teasing smile. "Seduction is the fun part."

That was when I made my insane announcement. "Let's not have sex for a while."

Her brows shot up. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I'd like us to get to know each other and spend sex-free time together." Yeah, I must've gone stark-raving bonkers. I had a gorgeous, incredible woman in my arms, and I told her we shouldn't sleep together.

Heidi snuggled up to me, her slick, naked body mashed to mine and those beautiful tits mounded against my chest. "But I want you, Damian. Right now."

"We kind of rushed into the whole naked-and-grunting phase of our relationship. Let's hold off for a little while, okay?"

She blinked slowly, twice. "You're serious, aren't you?"


"Okay." She wriggled away from me, paddling backward. "Wanna chase me in the water?"

"That wouldn't be a fair race. I mean, I've got muscles." I raised my arms, elbows bent, and flexed my biceps. "See? I'll catch you in five seconds at most."

"I'm in great shape, so you'll lose that bet."

"Bet? Guess we should have stakes, then. Five bucks?"

She shook her head, giving me that teasing smile again. "If I win, you take me—the dirty way. Right here, right now."

Those sounded like dangerous stakes, but I could swim faster than a girl. Couldn't I? "Okay. And if I win, you play miniten in the nude, but we don't have sex."

"You're on."

Heidi spun around and started swimming.

I hoisted myself out of the water onto the ledge and leaped into the pool. Even without a springboard, I could propel myself pretty far.

Heidi glanced back and shrieked—with joy, not terror.
