Page 61 of Natural Impulse

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A man stood there. A man about Ollie's age.

"Damian," Ollie said, not letting go of my tush. "Settled in already?"

"I didn't bring much luggage," Damian said. His attention settled on me, and the corners of hi mouth ticked upward. "Who's the sexy girl glued to you?"

While Damian swept his gaze over me, I did the same to him. He had a physique somewhere between Val's enormous muscles and Ollie's more subdued buffness. His skin had an olive undertone, accentuated by his dark eyes and hair. That hair flowed down to his shoulders in wavy locks.

Damn. Were all of Ollie's friends as hot as he and Damian were?

Ollie rolled his eyes at his friend and let go of me. He took my hand, clasping it in both of his. "This is Mara Severins. She's my girlfriend."

"Yeah, I figured. Good going, Ollie. She's bodacious."

"She's also sweet and smart and amazing."

Damian grinned. "Not trying to steal your girl. She seems one hundred percent attached to you. Physically. I'm surprised you didn't need a laser to separate your bodies, the way you two were going at it a minute ago."

My cheeks flamed.

"Sorry," Damian said to me. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. That was just guy talk. We can be real asses, you know?"

"Hey!" Ollie said. "Speak for yourself. I'm sensitive and charming. You're the douche who bangs women and never calls them back."

Damian strode up to me and claimed my free hand, raising it to his lips. He kissed my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mara. I'm Damian Petrescu, a Ludar prince."

"A what?"

Ollie sighed and planted a hand on Damian's chest, pushing him away from me. "Damian's family emigrated from Romania a way long time ago, when the Ludar people fled. They still like to call themselves Rom, but most people call them gypsies."

"Don't be so culturally insensitive," Damian said. "Do I call you a nerd?"

"No, but we nerds own the title. That means it's no longer an insult. It's sexy."

I giggled. Seriously, I did. I must've sounded like an idiot, but I didn't care.

"Ollie is definitely one sexy nerd," I said. "And so unbelievably hot in bed."

Damian's brows shot up. He slung an arm around my shoulders and tugged me away from Ollie, leaning in to speak in a pseudo-whisper. "Now, Mara, you'll need to tell me all about that. Tell me everything he does to you."

Ollie seized my arm and hauled me away from Damian. "Leave my girl alone. Haven't you got a dozen of them waiting for you to go home? Maybe you should do that."

I might've thought they were arguing, if not for their smirks and the humor in their voices. These two had a strange friend dynamic, but I could go with the flow. A week ago, I would've freaked. Today, I could take it.

And give it.

Hugging Ollie, I said, "Maybe we should tape ourselves having sex. Then Damian can see for himself how wicked hot you are."

"Oh no," Ollie said, "Damian does not get to see you naked."

"What if I become a naturist like you?"

"You can't do that until after Damian goes home." Ollie shook his head. "No sex tapes. Haven't you heard how that turned out for Val?"

"Oh yeah, Eve told me. It got leaked on the internet."

"Fantastic!" Damian said. "I'll wait for yours to come up on Cinemax."

"Let's go outside," Ollie said, towing me toward the door. "Lots of girls for you to sexually harass out there, Damian. Maybe you'll get arrested, and I won't have to look at your ugly face anymore."

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