Page 39 of Typhon

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I started up my black Audi R8, and traffic better be clear or there was a real possibility of me running assholes down on my way to that fucking party.

Howcould I have been so wrong about her?

My hands in a white-knuckle grip around the steering wheel, I wondered how I could have missed it. Nothing in her background check suggested that Rylee liked to slut it up. There was nothing in her background check that showed anything beyond average college partying during her freshman and sophomore years. Even Lennox had mentioned that she seemed like a good girl, and he’d never heard anything bad about her. So, how in the fuck could I have been so wrong about her?

How could I have missed it?

Now,while I had nothing against a woman’s choice to be sexually liberated, there was no fucking way I’d let my fiancé fuck however many dicks she wanted, wearing my ring, and then still marry her.

Never mind how it would look to The Order that I couldn’t control my own fiancé, knowing Rylee was spreading her legs for any swinging dick that came her way. That was not the kind of wife I wanted. I planned on ruling at the highest levels of The Order and a slut wife wasn’t going to help me get there.

Still, that was nothing compared to the sense of betrayal I was feeling. I felt something for Rylee, and I had been honest with her about it. I had been honest about everything since the night of the initiation.

And shefucking played me.

Telling me how I was more than just my last name. Telling me that she wanted time to get to know each other. Telling me that she needed space to sell our story convincingly to her family.

All of it.

I believed her.

Halfway to the party, I realized this must be Fate’s fucked-up way of saving me. It was Fate’s way of showing me what it really meant to marry someone you didn’t know. A background check-even ones as thorough as mine-could never tell you the things you really needed to know about a person, and that was their true character; what made up their soul.

Imean, how many men went to church every Sunday, only to beat or cheat on their wives Monday through Saturday? How many women volunteered for charity events, but were racist as hell the rest of the days of the week?

Facts in a background check were just that, random facts about a person. And all the facts in Rylee’s background check never hinted at what could be lying underneath those beguiling blue eyes of hers.

The street was littered with vehicles, but I was fortunate enough to pull into a space up front that was being vacated by a white Chevy truck. I parked, locked my car, then headed towards the house. On my way in, I got a lot of head nods and hellos, but I ignored them all.

Iwas here for one thing only.

It didn’t takeme long to find them. They were all cozied up on a couch in the game room. Laney was sitting on the blonde guy’s lap with Rylee sitting next them, and it was only by the grace of God that Remington wasn’t with them. There was no guarantee that I wouldn’t have fucked him up, otherwise.

Rylee was too busy laughing at whatever they’d been talking about because she hadn’t even noticed me until I reached down and grabbed her by her upper arm.

She letout a yelp. “Stone?” Ignoring her drunken surprise, I drug her behind me until I found an empty spot on the side of the house, behind an oak tree.

Flinging her against the side of the house, I reached down, grabbed her left hand, then took my fucking ring back. Before Rylee could even process what I’d done, my right hand gripped her jaw and trapped her against the wall, hard enough to make her eyes widen in alarm. “Forget the contract. Forget The Order. Forget everything since you’ve met me, or else, I swear to God, Rylee, I will go after everyone you fucking love, and I won’t stop until there’s nothing left.”

Herbloodshot eyes started blinking up at me, and I wanted to strangle her. How dare her look surprised. I understood she was drunk, but she couldn’t be that clueless. She couldn’t believe that I would be onboard with her bullshit deal. I had texted her that I was in a meeting and that my phone would be off. My lack of replies to her texts had not been consent for her to go out and fuck every guy who caught her eye.

“Wait?” she mumbled, and it wasn’t quite slurring, but it was close. “You’re…you’re breaking the con…contract?”

“Did you really think I wouldn’t?”

“So, you’reending…” Rylee went to shake her head, but I had such a tight hold on her face, she couldn’t move. Then her brows came down in confusion. “Okay,” she muttered. “So…so there’s no engagement anymore?”

I pushedoff away from her and couldn’t believe that, only an hour ago, I had wanted nothing more than to spend the night with this girl, making out and getting to know each other. Right now, I couldn’t even stand to look at her.

“Have fun with your plans for the night,” I said snidely before turning from her and walking back to my car.

Fifteen minutes later, I was slamming the door to my condo, heading straight for the liquor. I was so fucking furious that I could barely think straight. Seeing red was not just a saying. It was a real thing.

“What’s going on?”

I didn’t bother turning at Lennox’s voice. I found the whiskey and was too busy pulling it out of the cupboard. “Rylee Madden is a fucking slut,” I replied.

“Whoa, what?”

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