Page 37 of Typhon

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I eyed her. “Nothing too slutty,” I warned.

Sherolled her eyes. “Don’t worry,” she drawled out. “I’ll make sure all your important parts are covered.” I laughed before heading towards the shower.

Oncein the shower, I took a full beauty bath. I washed my hair, conditioned it, and shaved everywhere. My trimmed wax job had already been taken of earlier this week, so my lady bits hadn’t needed any special attention, but with Laney picking out my outfit, I knew the rest of me needed to be presentable. Even though it was the beginning of October, and the nights were getting a little chilly, a packed party house would be warm enough to warrant a skirt and simple blouse.

Almost twohours later, my black hair was straightened, my eyes popped with some smoky eyeliner and mascara, and my cheeks were powered with a touch of blush. I also dabbed a glossy coat of raspberry tattoo lip stain over my lips to complete the look.

Dressed in a pleated grey skirt that reached the top of my knees and a simple white tank top, I made sure to put on a thin black wrap around shirt that tied at the front. And because I wasn’t stranger to heels, I finished off the outfit with a pair of black, four-inch spikes.

Looking in the mirror, it was a perfect Friday night look.

Laney came bustling in my room, and while I looked ready for a Friday night party, Laney looked ready for a Friday night seduction. Her light brown hair was curled and hanging down past her shoulders, and her eyes were framed with dark eyeshadows and a look that could only be learned from a makeup tutorial. Her lips were a bright red, drawing attention to their plumpness.

Laney was also dressed like she was going to make some guy’s lifemiserable. While I was wearing a skirt, too, mine was a respectable length. Laney’s black leather skirt barely hit below her ass, and it made her already long legs look lethal. She had a bright green man’s button-up shirt, and she hadn’t bothered buttoning it up past her tits. Every time that she moved, you could see a hint of the black bra underneath. The six-inch, black heels she had on just made her tower over me.

Laney looked stunning.

My brows shot up when she walked into my room. “Out to destroy some poor young man’s life?”

She laughed. “If allgoes well tonight.”

I just shook my head. “Did you call a ride, or are we driving?”

“I already called a ride,” she replied. “It should be here in five.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

“Let’s get our bags and lock up,” shesaid. “We can wait downstairs in the lobby.” Our apartment complex had a lobby that housed all the mailboxes, so the chilly night air wouldn’t be a problem. Plus, it was safer than standing on the sidewalk.

“Okay.” I grabbed my purse and made surethat I had all the essentials: keys, wallet, and phone. Of course, my purse had a bunch of other useless things in it, but those were the three most important.

Apartment locked up, and on our way down in the elevator, Laney said, “Oh, I also sent a group text to Jennifer, Alexis, and Kincaid that we’d be at the Field House tonight just in case they wanted to join us.” That kind of surprised me. It never occurred to me that Laney might be hanging out with them while we’d been on the outs this week. However, it sounded like she had. “We are kind of bonded now, right?”

I wasn’t sure if I’d called it bonded, but itwassomething. “No, you’re right,” I said. “We should probably start making the effort to get to know them better.”

Laney didn’t comment, but twenty minuteslater, we were being dropped off in front of the Field House, and the front yard was already crawling with partygoers.

Makingour way up the walkway, Laney grabbed onto my arm. “We’re going to have so much fun tonight,” she predicted. “There’s no greater creation than man.”

I laughed. “What happened to your speech about no guys this year? Remember? We were going to buckle down and be serious?”

She rolled her eyes. “That might have been a premature announcement,” she admitted.

“Have at it,” I told her. “No judging here.”

Laney smiled, but then got serious as shestopped us in front of the door. “One stipulation, okay?”

“That depends on…”

She let one of her signature sighs. “I’m not stupid, Rylee,” she said. “I know that once you marry Stone, you’re going to move in with him and…things will change between us.” I went to automatically deny it, but she was right. Things were going to change. “So, no phones tonight, okay? Just me and you, having a great time.”

“No phones?” This girl lived for social media, so I was finding that hard to believe.

Laney shrugged. “Well, I mean,we can take pictures and stuff, but no texting the fiancé all night, okay?”

And that’s when it occurred to me that I hadn’t even bothered texting Stone to let him know that I was going to a party tonight. Was I supposed to? Is that something we were doing? I got to thinking about all the texts he’d sent me this week, and none of them had been check-ins. They’d fallen under general communication and that was it, so maybe we weren’t there yet. And while I had no idea what was appropriate or not-since I’ve never been engaged to a stranger before-I did know that Laney was right, and a girls’ night might just be the thing we needed before shit got even more surreal.

“Deal,” I found my saying. “Girls’ night.” Her smile was radiant, and it felt good to get my friend back.

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