Page 27 of Typhon

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“Because I have a definitive plan for my future and The Order serves many purposes in getting me there,” I told her honestly.

“And how do I fit into all of this?”

“As fucked-up as what I’m about to say may sound, it’s the truth.” I waited for her togive me the go-ahead to continue. “My parents are so wealthy and powerful that they’re famous. Same with Ross, Saxton, Fox, and August,” I told her. “All my life, my last name has been Lexington. My parents’ wealth, power, and status coat me like a second skin. Now, I’m not complaining or pretending that I haven’t and don’t enjoy the benefits that come with my last name, but I’m trying to make a point here.”

“Which is?”

I smirked at her attitude. “Ever since I realized just what I could do with a hard dick,girls have been throwing themselves at my last name.”

Rylee’s shoulders dropped. “I’m sure you’re more than just your last name, Stone,” she remarked quietly, and all she did was make me more determined to have her.

“I am,” I agreed. “But I’ve never been interested in a girl long enough for her to learn that about me. While I’ve been selective-because I refused to get caught up-I have taken what’s been offered when I’ve been in need. But never repeats and never any relationships.”

“That’s the rumor,” shemuttered.

I grinned. “Until you.”

Rylee shook her head a bit. “That’s the part I don’t understand.”

“I’ve had girls try damn neareverythingto be the one who lands me,” I replied. “Every girl thought she was different. She thought she would be the one to stand out above all the others. That there’d be something about her that would finally open me up to a relationship.”

“That’s also another rumor I’ve heard.”

“They’renot rumors, Rylee,” I replied. “It’s the truth.”

“So, why me?”

“Because you crashed into me, and holding you in my arms, I felt more than just my dick getting hard,” I told her truthfully. “All those girls, all those tricks they used, all those games they played, and you did nothing but smack into me. You did nothing to entice me, yet you felt like a goddamn lightning bolt to my chest.” I made sure to hold her gaze as I added, “I felt more during that brief encounter with you in my arms than I ever have in bed with another girl.”

Her eyes broke contact as she glanced at her hands in her lap. “That’s crazy,” she whispered, but there was something more in her voice. She was telling me it was crazy, but she didn’t sound completely convinced that it was.

“Look at me, Rylee,” I commanded, and when she did, I looked into those sapphire eyes of hers, and asked, “Am I the only one who felt it?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she hedged. “That’s still no reason for you to want to marry someone, Stone.” She avoided answering the question, but that was answer enough.

“Let me ask you something.”


“If I had asked out you that day,what would you have said?” She let out a soft sigh as she looked away. “That’s what I thought.” She would have said no because my name intimidated her.

Rylee looked back at me. “I still don’t see the leap to marriage, Stone.”

“Holding you in my arms, I knew I wanted to peruse something serious with you,” I told her. “Not a one-night stand, not a casual hookup, but something serious. I couldn’t do that and keep something like The Order a secret from you. And since sponsors and supporters can’t engage in a relationship without the benefit of marriage, there’s your leap.”

Her brows shot up. “Are you saying that you’re marrying me just so you can sleep with me?” she choked out. “Are you serious?”

I shook my head. “You’re not listening,” I replied, frustration lacing my tone. “I’m marrying you because I want a relationship with you seriously enough for it to be all or nothing.” I leaned back and shrugged my shoulder. “It’s all.”

“Stone, I-”

“Come here,” I commanded.

She jerked. “Wh…what?”

“I said,come here.”

Rylee stared at me for a long moment before finally complying. I didn’t say anything as she scooted her tight, little ass across the couch cushions. I just sat back and watched wariness and indecision playing in her eyes. However, there was no longer a decision to be made. Rylee signed the contract, and that was that.

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