Page 19 of Typhon

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“Show everyone how good you can take two dicks,” Jacob continued and that’s all it took for Arlene to scream out her pleasure, and we all stood, silently by, as the beautiful woman’s body trembled from head to toe. With her perfect blonde hair, smooth skin, and sexy body, there was no denying the fact that Arlene looked stunning as she came all over Jacob and Donovan. But, then again, every woman looked stunning when she was cumming.

Grunts got louderand thrusts became more powerful as both men rode Arlene through her orgasm right before they each came in a final drive into her body. Their breaths were harsh, and chests were heaving, but it was over, and that’s all that mattered.

In the awkward silence of the room, both men pulled out of Arlene’s body and both men rubbed her back and hips as she took time to come out of her euphoria.

The fucking shit didn’t look humiliating at all.

Thesound of clapping resonated throughout the room, and I looked over to see Alexander’s smug smile spread across his face. “Beautiful, no?”

BeforeRylee could give him a piece of her mind, Laney spoke up. “Seriously? If that’s the worst that can be asked of us, sign me up,” she huffed. “I’m not passing up on my dream life because August might ask me to screw a guy one day. Or two.” She made it sound so insignificant, it was clear that she had missed the point of all this.

Alexander’s smilewidened. “Good to hear it, Ms. Spinner.”

I could seeRylee tense when a fully redressed Arlene walked by the seats, collecting the dossiers Alexander had handed out earlier. She even smiled at each girl. Donovan and Jacob were back on stage with Alexander, dressed as well, condoms disposed of as if this was everyday shit.

Alexander grabbed another stack of papers off the table that was on the stage, then made his way to stand in front of Laney. Looking at August, he said, “State your intentions.”

“Circe,” August automatically replied, and Alexander gave a short nod in acknowledgment before handing Laney her contract. She signed it without even reading the damn thing.

Alexander took a stepback and eyed the other girls. “Anyone else?”

Jennifer looked spookedas she timidly raised her hand as if we were in class. Alexander walked to stand in front of her, then looked at Ross as he demanded the same that he had demanded of August. “State your intentions.”

“Circe,” Ross replied, and Jennifer was handed her contract. She made a pretense of skimming through it, but she quickly signed as well. While we needed all the girls to sign, I was still surprised they were willing to sign after what they’d just witnessed.

“Oh, to hell with it,” Alexis muttered, and she put her hand out to take a contract.

Alexander grinned at her outburst, then looking at Fox, he repeated, “State your intentions.”

“Circe,” Fox replied, then Alexis snatched the contract from Alexander’s hand and signed without reading it. That left Kincaid and Rylee only.

Alexander walked in front of Kincaid. “What’s it going to be, Ms. Black?” he taunted. “Do you trust Mr. Voss enough to make sure he doesn’t turn you into a criminal or a whore?” Kincaid stood up, and Alexander had to take a step back. She was only about five-foot-three, five-seven in her heels, but she was staring Alexander down in the way only a Black could.

She put her hand out forher contract, and Alexander scoffed before instructing Saxton, “State your intentions.”

“Circe,” Saxton replied, and Kincaid signed her contract without bothering to read it just like the others.

That left Rylee.

Alexander gathered all the signed contractsbefore walking to stand in front of me and Rylee. Looking down at her, he said, “You know, it’s okay to admit when you’re in over your head, Ms. Madden.”

Rylee’s reply was cool and firm. “You don’t know anything about me.”

Alexander’s grin turned into a sneer. “That doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”

Chapter 10


My pride was going to get me in trouble, but it was like I couldn’t help myself. After what this man had tried to do to Arlene, I loathed the idea of losing to him. Still, did I loathe him enough to sign my life away to Stone Lexington?

Iwas thinking I did.

Whilethe entire ordeal had been born out of wanting to humiliate Arlene, I had to agree with Laney on some degree. Arlene had not looked humiliatedat all.

Now, while I’ve never entertained the idea of sleeping with two men, I couldn’t deny how it looked as if the men had put in the effort to pleasure Arlene and not the other way around. And when Stone had whispered in my ear that I didn’t need to worry because he didn’t share…well, that had been something else altogether.

The possessiveness in his voice had turned me on a little. Of course, with the rule that forbade relationships between sponsors and their supporters, it didn’t matter how possessive he had sounded or how turned on I might have been. Nothing could happen between me and Stone if I signed this contract.

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