Page 3 of Patriot

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“You said you just arrived. Where are you staying?”

“Nowhere yet. I literally just got here.”

“I know the owner over at the Sunset Motel. She’ll fix you up,” I tell her. It’s probably way too soon to take her to my place and never let her leave. Probably.

“She?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah. Mrs. Jethro is seventy-six years young and is always looking for a stray to take in.” I chuckle. It’s the truth. I don’t think she’s ever taken money for anyone to stay there. She likes the company and the conversation.


“That’s what she calls her guests. She doesn’t charge for the rooms.”

“How does she make money?”

“I don’t know. It’s not polite to ask that is these parts.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

“No worries. When you’re ready, I’ll walk you over there and introduce you. You can start tomorrow at ten. We’ve got regulars that leave before five.

“I’m ready now. I’m dying to take a hot shower,” she says, and my eyes widen. Was that an invitation to join her? “I also need to get my bag out of my car and find a mechanic.”

“I know the best mechanic,” I tell her, helping her to her feet.

“Do you know everybody in this town?”

“I was born and raised here. There ain’t another town quite like Haven.”

“I’m beginning to see that,” she replies.

“Becca, I’ll be back in ten.”

“No problem. I’ve got Wally if anything goes wrong,” she says referenced the shotgun mounted under the bar.

“It shouldn’t come to him,” I say, chuckling again. We step out into the sunlight and walk over to her car. It’s a piece of shit, but I make a mental note to call Jake to get it looked at. I walk her down to the motel and introduce her to Mrs. Jethro, who loves her instantly. The feeling is mutual. I don’t know what it is about her, but I want her.

At work, I spend the next few weeks getting to know her. The more I get to know her, the more I like her. She’s an excellent waitress, and the customers love her, but each time I ask her out for dinner, she turns me the hell down. I fucking hate it.

One day soon, she’ll say yes and then all bets are off. She’ll be my wife before she knows what hit her.



Ijust got off work at the club. I don’t dance, of course, but I waitress during the day shift. It’s an I have to admit that I like that Patriot watches me so much. I can always feel his eyes on me. It makes me feel alive.

I had been putting Patriot whenever he asked me out at work, but I couldn’t do it anymore. When Ifinallyagreed to go out on a date with Patriot, I had to. I really want him. He’s such a nice guy not to mention the fact that he’s hot as hell. He never looks at the dancers and only escorts them to their cars at the end of their shifts. I don’t have any clothes that would be good for going out, so I borrowed a black dress from Delilah, my one and only friend from the Sin & Lust from her pre-pregnancy days. It’s tight and formfitting. I love it.

After brushing my hair, I’m ready to go. I don’t own any makeup because I don’t know how to apply it, so it is what it is.

He arrives at six o’clock on the dot. I open the motel room door and there he is. He looks so hot in head-to-toe leather. He’s holding a hot pink helmet in his hands.

“Ready, babe?”

“Yes,” I answer a little too loudly. He hold out his other hand, which I take. He leads me to his bike and helps me onto it. Then he puts the helmet on and straps it at my chin. Then he climbs on.

“Put your arms around my waist,” he growls. My body is already melded to his, but I do what he says. “Hold on, and don’t let go.”

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