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“What, the watchers below ask themselves, is their ExtraOrdinary Wizard doing? And isn’t that his Apprentice following him, chasing him even?

“The Apprentice, Alther Mella, now has his Master, DomDaniel, within his grasp. DomDaniel has reached the pinnacle of the Pyramid, a small square platform of hammered gold inlaid with the silver hieroglyphs that Enchant the Tower. DomDaniel stands tall, his thick purple cloak streaming out behind him, his gold and platinum ExtraOrdinary Wizard belt flashing in the sun. He is daring his Apprentice to come closer.

“Alther Mella knows he has no choice. In a brave and terrified leap he lunges at his Master and takes him by surprise. DomDaniel is knocked off his feet, and his Apprentice dives onto him, grabbing at the gold and lapis lazuli Akhu Amulet that his Master wears around his neck on a thick silver chain.

“Far below, in the courtyard of the Wizard Tower, the people gasp in disbelief as they gaze with squinting eyes into the brightness of the golden Pyramid and watch the Apprentice grapple with his Master. Together they balance on the tiny platform, rolling this way and that as the ExtraOrdinary Wizard tries to break free of Alther Mella’s grasp on the Amulet.

“DomDaniel fixes Alther Mella with a baleful glare, his dark green eyes glittering with fury. Alther’s bright green eyes meet the stare unflinchingly, and he feels the Amulet loosen. He pulls hard, the chain snaps into a hundred pieces, and the Amulet comes away in his grasp.

“‘Take it,’ hisses DomDaniel. ‘But I will be back for it. I will be back with the seventh of the seventh.’

“One piercing scream rises from below as the crowd sees its ExtraOrdinary Wizard launch himself from the top of the Pyramid and tumble from the Tower. His cloak spreads like a magnificent pair of wings, but it does not slow his long, tumbling fall to earth.

“And then he is gone.

“At the top of the Pyramid his Apprentice clutches the Akhu Amulet and gazes in shock at what he has seen—his Master enter the Abyss.

“The crowd clusters around the scorched earth which marks the spot where DomDaniel hit the ground. Each has seen something different. One says he changed into a bat and flew away. Another saw a dark horse appear and gallop off into the Forest, and still another saw DomDaniel change into a snake and slither under a rock. But none saw the truth that Alther saw.

“Alther Mella makes his way back down the Pyramid with his eyes closed so that he does not have to see the dizzying drop beneath him. He only opens his eyes when he has crawled through the small hatch into the safety of the Library, which is housed inside the golden Pyramid. And then, with a sense of dread, he sees what has happened. His plain green woolen Apprentice Wizard robes have changed to a heavy purple silk. The simple leather belt that he wears around his tunic has become remarkably weighty; it is now made of gold with the intricate platinum inlay of runes and charms that protect and empower the ExtraOrdinary Wizard that Alther has, to his amazement, become.

“Alther gazes at the Amulet that he holds in his trembling hand. It is a small round stone of ultramarine lapis lazuli shot through with streaks of gold and carved with an enchanted dragon. The stone lies heavily in his palm, bound with a band of gold pinched together at the top to form a loop. From this loop hangs a broken silver link, snapped when Alther ripped the Amulet from its silver chain.

“After a moment’s thought Alther bends down and takes out the leather lace from one of his boots. He threads the Amulet onto it and, as all ExtraOrdinary Wizards have done before him, hangs it around his neck. And then, with his long wispy brown hair still awry from his fight, his face pale and anxious, his green eyes wide with awe, Alther makes the long journey down through the Tower to face the waiting, murmuring crowd outside.

“When Alther stumbles out through the huge, solid silver doors that guard the entrance to the Wizard Tower, he is greeted by a gasp. But nothing more is said, for there is no arguing with the presence of a new ExtraOrdinary Wizard. Amid a few quiet mutterings the crowd disperses, although one voice calls out.

“‘As you have gained it, so will you lose it.’

“Alther sighs. He knows this is true.

“As he makes his lonely way back into the Tower to begin the work of undoing DomDaniel’s Darkenesse, in a small room not so very far away a baby boy is born to a poor Wizard family.

“He is their seventh son, and his name is Silas Heap.”

There was a long silence around the fire while Alther slowly regained his own form. Silas shivered. He had never heard the story told like that before.

“That’s amazing, Alther,” he said in a hoarse whisper. “I had no idea. H-how did the Witch Mother know so much?”

“She was watching in the crowd,” said Alther. “She came to see me later that day to congratulate me on becoming ExtraOrdinary Wizard, and I told her my side of the story. If you want the truth to be known then all you need to do is tell the Witch Mother. She will tell everyone else. Of course, whether they believe it or not is another matter.”

Jenna was thinking hard. “But why, Uncle Alther, were you chasing DomDaniel?”

“Ah, good question. I didn’t tell the Witch Mother that. There are some Darke matters that should not be spoken of lightly. But you should know, so I will tell you. You see, that morning, like every morning, I had been tidying up the Pyramid Library. One of the tasks of an Apprentice is to keep the Library organized, and I took my duties seriously, even if they were for such an unpleasant Master. Anyway, that particular morning I had found a strange Incantation in DomDaniel’s handwriting tucked into one of the books. I had seen one lying around before and hadn’t been able to read the writing, but as I studied this one, an idea occurred to me. I held the Incantation up to the looking glass and discovered I was right: it was written in mirror writing. I began to get a bad feeling about it then, because I knew that it must be a Reverse Incantation, using Magyk from the Darke side—or the Other side, as I prefer to call it, as it is not always Darke Magyk that the Other side puts to use. Anyway, I had to know the truth about DomDaniel and what he was doing, so I decided to risk reading the Incantation. I had just started when something terrible happened.”

“What?” whispered Jenna.

“A Spectre Appeared behind me. Well, at least I could see it in the looking glass, but when I turned around it wasn’t there. But I could feel it. I could feel it put its hand on my shoulder, and then—I heard it. I heard its empty voice speaking to me. It told me that my time had come. That it had come to collect me as arranged.”

Alther shivered at the memory and raised his hand to his left shoulder as the Spectre had done. It still ached with cold, as it had ever since that morning.

Everyone else shivered too and drew closer around the fire.

“I told the Spectre that I was not ready. Not yet. You see I knew enough about the Other side to know you must never refuse them. But they are willing to wait. Time is nothing to them. They have nothing else to do but wait. The Spectre told me it would return for me the next day and that I had better be ready then, and it faded away. After it went, I made myself read the Reverse words, and I saw that DomDaniel had offered me up as part of a bargain with the Other side, to be collected at the time I read the Incantation. And then I knew for sure he was using Reverse Magyk—the mirror image of Magyk, the kind that uses people up—and I had fallen into his trap.”

The fire on the beach began to die down, and everyone clustered around it, huddling together in the fading glow as Alther continued his story.

“Suddenly DomDaniel came in and saw me reading the Incantation. And that I was still there—I had not been Taken. He knew that his plan was discovered and he ran. He scuttled up the Library stepladder like a spider, ran along the top of the shelves and squeezed through the trapdoor that led outside of the Pyramid. He laughed at me and taunted me to follow him if I dared. You see, he knew I was terrified of heights. But I had no choice but to follow him. So I did.”

Everyone was silent. No one, not even Marcia, had heard the full story of the Spectre before then.

Jenna broke the silence. “That’s horrible.” She shuddered. “So did the Spectre come back for you, Uncle Alther?”

“No, Princess. With some help I devised an Anti-Hex Formula. It was powerless after that.” Alther sat in thought for a while, and then he said, “I just want you all to know that I am not proud of what I did at the top of the Wizard Tower—even though I did not push DomDaniel off. You know, it is a terrible thing for an Apprentice to supplant his Master.”

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