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Her tender mouth looked exquisitely swollen.

“I’ve been a beast and I apologize.”

It was clear she had not expected his apology and perhaps did not know what to make of it. A small smile touched her lips, but wariness lingered in her gaze and questions about what had just happened. “Are you sorry for kidnapping me or for satisfying your curiosity so lustily?”

He might never get used to the directness of her manner. “Kidnapping you.” There was no scenario on this earth that could inspire him to regret kissing her. Sebastian had never indulged in a kiss quite so satisfying or one that had aroused all his senses so completely.

“You are forgiven.”

He arched a brow and she smiled, a dimple peeking in her cheek.How charming.

“Upon my honor, I will aid you in searching for Perdie. I shall not run from this responsibility, and I doubt there is anywhere I could run, that you would not find me.”

He nodded, reaching out to push a tendril which had escaped her chignon behind her eyes. A delicate shudder went through her frame and he felt the answering call deep inside his body. Her enjoyment of his kiss hadn’t been so wild and visceral because he had been ruthless in his persuasion. The attraction wasn’t one sided. And he had gone much further than she anticipated. He was a man of control; he should have stopped at a simple kiss. “Theodosia, I will also apologize for what just happened, I—”

His throat closed when she placed two fingers over his mouth.

“I am not a debutante fit to swoon because you kissed me, Your Grace. I quite enjoyed it.”

Said so boldly, but there was a touch of shyness in her eyes that stirred something tender and foreign inside him. He pulled back sharply from the sensation, frowning down at her. “I overstepped your boundaries, and it is for that I sincerely apologize.”

“I wasn’t brainlessly swept away by passion. I was aware of every touch…I stopped you when I was ready to do so,” she said with an arrogant curl to her lips.

Sebastian got the impression she wanted to appear a confident vixen, but in her lovely eyes he spied an intangible emotion, and he suddenly wished he knew her well enough to understand what she might be feeling. He pushed to his feet and held out his hand to her. When she took it, he gently pulled her to her feet.

“Your graciousness I will not forget.”

A brief smile flickered at her mouth and she stared at him as if he were an enigma.

“If you give me a few minutes I will send for the carriage.” Sebastian walked away, quite aware of her eyes following his departure. Another unknown sensation shuddered inside his chest. He did not like it at all. Sebastian could afford no diversions in the form of a sensually appealing woman he was growing curious about. For the first time he wondered at the logic of taking her with him. He quickly brushed that aside, for he had not exculpated her from his suspicions.

Chapter Eight

The very next morning, Theo swung her legs over the side of the bed and pulled on her warm dressing gown. Though a few weeks ago spring had announced its wonderful presence with some sunshine, blooming flowers, and melting snow, the last few days had been unusually wet from rain. After cinching the robe, she hurried to her armoire. There would be no delay in packing and readying for the duke to send his carriage for her. While taking her home last night, he had asked her to be ready with her bags by nine. If he needed her at his side because he did not trust her, by his side she would remain. Theo did not want the duke for an enemy. Not when he knew about her club and had already once promised he could take it apart, brick by brick.The beast…albeit a most wonderfully kissing beast.

She rang for her lady’s maid, and with a few quick instructions to Molly, the packing started. Theo also sent a footman with a note to deliver to Prue, Charity and Lucinda, the members of her club who were more like family than anything else. A quick reply came from Lucinda saying she was abed with a most dreadful cold after being caught in a downpour yesterday. No other note returned to her so Theo anticipated her friends would soon arrive.

Lady Charity Deveraux, sister to Earl Bonham, barged into her bedroom almost an hour later, her gaze surveying the clothes on the chaise longue and on the bed. “I came as soon as I got your note. Luckily, I was already dressed for a ride in the park.”

Charity and Theo shared a closer age and had similar interests. They were closer to each other than Prue who was four years their junior. Charity wore a large hat she’d designed herself, and was terribly out of fashion. It served primarily to protect her fair skin from the sun. She had the loveliest auburn hair, which had been coifed to allow several tendrils to curl at her temples and along her neck. Her eyes were the most vivid green, and Charity often bemoaned her fair and quick to freckle skin. Many had remarked that she was an unexceptional bluestocking, more concerned with her inventions than anything else. She was Theo’s dearest friend and her fourth partner in crime in running the lady’s club.

“What is going on, Theo?” Charity asked with a small frown. “You seem very out of sorts and that is not like you.”

Before she could reply another knock sounded, and Prue sallied inside. “Good, you are already here, Charity. I daresay I would not have been able to wait on you to catch up with the gossip. Lucinda has a cold so she will not make it!” She rounded on Theo. “I still cannot believe you danced with the Duke of Hartford last night!”

Charity gasped. “What?”

“Yes,” Prue said, dropping into the chaise to repose against the cushions. “He also whisked her outside in the gardens, and our dearest Theo did not return inside. I suspect all the scandal sheets will mention it. I’ve already instructed a maidservant to procure me all the copies, even the notorious ones!”

“I cannot credit you are on friendly terms with the duke,” Charity said. “He seems very haughty and lacking in any sort of humor, not the sort of gentleman you normally favor.”

Quickly Theo relayedmostof what had transpired for the evening.

“You are doing what?” Prue demanded in shocked tones.

“I will be travelling with the duke for…I do not know how long. Until Lady Perdie is located.”

“TheDuke of Hartford?”
