Page 50 of When it Raynes

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He swipes another languid lick from my entrance to my clit and a moan tears from my throat. He’s barely touched me and I’m already so close to the edge a stiff breeze could probably make me come. “You won’t come without permission. Do you want to know how I know?”

I nod slowly, unable to form words as his tongue draws soft circles over my clit. It’s heaven and hell wrapped up with a pretty bow, and I don’t know how I’m going to survive.

“Because if you do, you won’t be coming for a month.”

“A month?” I jerk back into the pillows, prying my pussy from his face. I am not risking a month without an orgasm.

Rayne chuckles before dragging me back down the bed and slapping his palm down on my sensitive clit again, making me yelp. “Yes, a month, sweet girl. A month of endless teasing. A month of me fucking you right to the edge and then pulling you back again. A month.” He nips at the sensitive nub at the crest of my pussy before soothing it with his tongue, the contrast between the pleasure and pain takes my breath away. “Now, I am going to let you come tonight. I want to feel how sweetly your cunt grips my cock as I fuck you, so you are guaranteed at least one orgasm as long as you don’t do it without permission.” Rayne looks up at me, a glint of menace in his eyes, the softness that filled his gaze moments ago has disappeared and has been replaced by the brutal man I know he can be. “And if you do tip over that edge without permission, you better believe I’m going to ruin it, sweet girl.”

My eyes widen at his words. As in ruin my orgasm? As in not only would I be tormented for an entire month, but I wouldn’t even get to enjoy this one? “Rayne,” I whine.

“It wouldn’t be a punishment if it were easy.” He shrugs before resuming the long, lazy licks of my pussy. Each one brings me closer to the edge I know I can’t fall from and I alternate between holding on to the pillow for dear life and gripping onto Rayne’s dark hair to guide him where I need him. The second part doesn’t really work because he’s going to give me exactly how much he wants and not an ounce more, but you can’t blame a girl for trying.

Every swipe of his tongue takes my breath away and leaves me gasping, but he doesn’t give me enough to get me there. In fact, if I didn’t know better, I would think he wants me to succeed. Rayne is the kind of guy who wants absolute control at all times, so it stands to reason he would want to control my orgasms as well, but he’s not pushing me like I expected him to. I mean, don’t get me wrong, every time he touches me it feels like my entire body is igniting under his touch, but he doesn’t appear to be setting me up for failure… yet.



Okay, so maybe I’m luring her into a false sense of security by going easy on her, but I don’t want her to bolt. The panic in her eyes when I told her what would happen if she came without permission was so fucking hot I almost came myself, and while there is some merit to keeping her wet and needy for me for an entire month, desperate to please me so I’ll give her the release she needs, I would prefer she was able to come when I told her to.

It occurs to me that while I’ve always been a selfish bastard, only ever cared about my own pleasure, about getting off and getting out of there, it’s not like that with Emerson. I want to take my time with her, I want to drag her pleasure out, not take it away altogether. That’s the real reason I added the second part to her punishment.

The spanking would have sufficed. It was all the retribution she needed for her shortcomings, just enough to remind her why she should call me if she’s in danger, but this part isn’t necessary. What it will serve to do, however, is prolong her pleasure. The longer I hold her at the edge, the harder she’ll come when I allow it.

The view from between her thighs makes me want to abandon the whole plan and sink right into her sweet pussy. I peer up at her and smirk against her clit. My poor sweet girl is struggling and I’ve barely even started. I can tell how badly she wants to follow my orders, but her body craves release, and I’ll give her exactly what she needs when I’m good and ready.

The muscles in her stomach are tight from trying to lie still, her eyes squeeze shut for a moment before she remembers she needs to keep her eyes on me, and they shoot back open. Her hair is splayed out across the pillow and not for the first time I think she looks like an angel. My angel.

I don’t know what I did to deserve Emerson falling into my lap, but I’m going to hold on tight because I refuse to let her go. She’s mine. She belongs to me, and there isn’t a person alive that can take her from me.

“Are you doing okay, sweet girl?” I rumble before sucking her clit between my lips.

Emerson cries out, her hands burrowing into my hair before attempting to both push and pull my head at the same time. “It’s too much,” she pants. “Rayne, I can’t. It’s too much.” Frustrated tears threaten at the brim of her green eyes, but they’re not the same as the tears that fell earlier tonight. These are tears of pleasure, the only kind I ever want to see against her beautiful cheeks.

I shake my head slowly, keeping her clit caught between my lips with each movement. “You’re doing so good, sweet girl. Just hold on for me a little while longer, okay?” She’s a long way from her release, but I don’t want to tell her that.

“Okay. I can do that,” she whispers.

“I know you can, baby.” I smile up at her before repositioning myself as I move a hand to the inside her thigh, my fingers stroking the same path my tongue had been a few moments ago.

Emerson’s eyes widen as she watches, her breath caught in her throat. My fingers tease her entrance, testing the wetness gushing from her tight cunt before circling her clit again. On my next swipe downward I don’t stop at her entrance though, instead I trail my fingers lower until they brush against the tight ring of muscles and she jolts.

“Have you ever had anyone here, sweet girl?” I ask as my wet fingers circle her ass, teasing the sensitive nerve endings and sending shivers of need through her body.

She shakes her head slowly. “No, and I don’t plan on it.” She’s trying to sound firm on that point, but the moan at the end tells me everything I need to know. She wants it. She likes the touch of taboo that comes with this part of her. And even if it weren’t for the way her chest is rising and falling, the way her breath hitches each time I add a little bit of pressure, her pussy is gushing even more than it was before.

Emerson’s body loves everything I give it, if only her mind would catch up and join the party.

“We’ll see about that.” I chuckle, trailing my fingers back to her pussy. I’m already pushing her so much tonight, and she’s already a flight risk. That’s an argument for another time.

A deep flush covers her cheeks and spreads down to her chest as she watches me with keen interest. I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as Emerson completely free of inhibitions underneath me as I play her like my own personal piano. I’ve had a lot of sex, I’ve made a lot of women come, but there’s something about her that’s different.

Hell, who am I kidding? Everything about Emerson is different to the women of my past. In the first moment our eyes collided, I knew that, and the more time I spend with her, the harder I’m falling. I swore I would never fall for a woman, if for no other reason than it’s dangerous to have a weakness, for me and for her. But none of that matters anymore. I’ll keep Emerson safe. I’ll never allow anything to harm her. And more than that, I’ll never let her go.

She doesn’t realize how deep I am in this. Hell, I didn’t know how deep I was until I saw that asshole with his hands on my woman, his tiny fucking cock about to take what didn’t belong to him. The death he was served was too fucking soft, but all that mattered was getting Emerson out of there, getting her home to one of the most secure locations in the city.

Worry crosses her features and I realize my face has turned to stone at the thought of what almost happened tonight. I almost fucking lost her before I could even have her.
