Page 92 of Giving Away

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“Jamie, calm down it’s going to be okay.” Luke’s voice barely pierces through the noise of the crowd and the ringing in my ears.

I can’t take it anymore. My knees give up and I would have hit the floor had Luke not been holding me tight against him. He pulls me to the side and helps me sit down on the floor.

“You’re fine, I promise. Just panicking–”

“Jake, shit, stop!” Rose’s yelling cuts Luke short.

She’s slowly losing her composure and it makes me panic even more. Has it not gone that far before?

“Stop it or I’m calling the police,” Beth’s whiny voice reaches my ears and Rose’s dead stare turns to her.

She’s pissed. Murderous even. She’s on Beth in two strides and slaps her phone out of her hands and into the floor before stepping on it.

“No cops,” she growls, her voice a warning to everyone.

She’s back on Jake in a split second. “Jake…Jake people are gonna call the cops. You hear me? You need to stop this now.”

He hears her but it clearly doesn’t register. She pulls at her hair and turns to Sam. “Fucking do something,” she shouts at him her arm pointing toward the two brutal fights going on next to her.

“You want me to do something? Fine!” he replies. “Remember you asked.”

Sam is big, tall, and clearly strong. He could probably snap Rose in two with one hand. But I’ve come to learn being big doesn’t necessarily mean powerful. Jake is bigger than Nathan but he’s certainly not in a dominant position right now.

My attempt at a rational reflection is cut short when Sam gets in-between them. In one swift, violent punch he knocks Nathan out cold. He then proceeds to knee Jake in the guts, hard enough to make him fall to his knees.

I try to get up, I want to get to him, but my legs give up straight away.

“Why?” I look at Luke, dread filling my whole body.

“You’re just having a small panic attack. Just breathe, Jamie.”

“Jake,” I cry. “It’s all my fault.”

“He’s fine. I promise you he’s been through worse.” It should help but it doesn’t.

Why? Why has he been through worse? Why is life so unjust?

Sam walks over to Chris, who was holding his stance so far against Roy and Carlo, and grabs his shoulder to turn him around.

“Enough! Enough you made your fucking point,” Rose shouts at him.

“Ah, but I’ve been waiting so fucking long to knock out your overprotective rich mate.”

“Enough, Sam,” she seethes.

Chris’s attention turns to Sam and Rose completely and in that split second, Carlo’s punch catches him in the jaw. He staggers back and falls to the floor. Roy is about to kick him when police sirens are heard outside. Everyone starts to panic, and the crowd of underage drinkers disperses.

Sam grabs Rose straight away, she fights him back but isn’t left with much of a choice when he lifts her up and leaves with her.

Luke helps me up and I walk to Jake as he runs to Chris.

Nathan is slowly coming back to reality next to us.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. One of his eyebrows is bleeding and he spits blood on the floor.

“I’m fine.”

Heavy boots can be overheard coming our way and I’m almost relieved that it means it’s officially over, but Jake obviously thinks the opposite.

“Fuck,” he whispers. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

As soon as the police appear in the backyard and a few officers call toward us it hits me: he’s still carrying his gun.

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