Page 54 of Giving Away

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On Monday I bike to school earlier than usual. I don’t want to bump into Emily at our lockers. I still haven’t talked to her and I know I should apologize, but I’m still hurt by her words. I bet she’s still hurt by mine. It’s not just about my best friend though. My head hurts from the back and forth of all the problems I’m dealing with. Nathan has been texting me all weekend, apologizing for scaring me, apologizing for the things he said to me. I don’t get it. I don’t get him. The state of rage he was in on Friday night was beyond anything I thought he was capable of. He killed a man. A Wolf that was lurking outside of my house, ready to pounce anytime. Add that to my list of problems to think about. Volkov. I should be more scared than I am that one of his men was after me but I’m not. I’ve felt Volkov’s presence weighing on my life for years. In truth, I believe he was there because the Wolves think I’m important to Nathan, their current biggest enemy.

I park my bike and hurry inside to my locker to grab some books. The halls are empty, and I enjoy some peace and quiet.

Jake left after I fell asleep on Saturday. All our stuff was gone from the living room when I woke up, apart from a note. I think of it again, his words and how vague they were about us.

I’ve got an early Sunday practice and I didn’t want to wake you. I’ll be spending the rest of the weekend thinking of ways to discipline you.

That doesn’t really help now, does it? I still don’t know what is truly going on between us. Are we just a weekend thing? Is it just sex? Does he want more? I’m not sure myself that I want more. After our first time together, I did, I wanted us to date and be in a serious relationship with him. But after what he said that day, I have to keep my distance. I have to drill in my mind that his favorite thing is playing with me, possessing me, not loving me.

As soon as I shut my locker, a strong figure is right next to me. I almost jump in surprise, but quickly calm down when I recognize Cole.

My student body co-president offers me a sweet smile, his light blue eyes looking down into mine. I’m surprised he even wants to talk to me after the Halloween ball fiasco. I was meant to go with him, but Jake made sure to threaten him into cancelling so I would accept his offer instead. Just Jake being…well, Jake.

“So,” he says with a big smile. “I have a great idea for the new cheer uniforms, and I thought we could use your brains.”

“Good morning to you too, Cole,” I smile as I start walking toward our first class. He wouldn’t usually go to class so early, but I think his uniform idea is very urgent, so he follows me. I can bet my house that he wants the tops to be cropped. He has complained many times that other schools’ cheerleaders had sexier outfits than ours. I don’t think he gets that I truly don’t care, now less than ever. When you learn that your ex is part of a gang and that your…whatever Jake is…is your ex’s brother, cheer uniforms start using a lot less space in your brain.

Cole has been talking, but I haven’t been listening. Not one bit. So, I stop and turn to him. He’s a handsome guy, the typical high school jock, with his wide shoulders, his letterman jacket sporting our lacrosse team logo even though the season hasn’t started, and his dark blond hair brushed back. I could fall for someone like Cole, I’m sure I could, physically. Wouldn’t life be so much simpler if I did? No gang, no secrets, no darkness. How simple, how boring.

“I’m sorry, I zoned out.”

He’s about to start talking again when his eyes zero in on my neck. He lets out a low whistle, his teeth grazing his bottom lip.

“Damn, Jamie. Did you have sex with a vampire?”

My hand shoots to my neck, drawing my shirt tighter. The heat spreading on my cheeks, itching my skin, forces my eyes to look at the floor.

“I’m only messing with you,” he laughs, putting a hand on my other shoulder. “You should enjoy yourself. I’m very open for you to enjoy yourself with me, by the way.”

My eyes shoot up to watch a beautiful smile spreading across Cole’s lips.

“Um…” I scratch my throat.

He laughs and lets go of my shoulder. “So, cheer uniforms,” he goes back to the initial topic, not phased one bit by my hesitation in sleeping with him.

“Yeah, cheer uniforms. Did you…” My words die in my throat when I notice who just stopped a few feet away from us. Jake is standing tall, looking at us with his usual golden-boy smile on his gorgeous face. His features look calm, his mask well in place, but it’s the way his knuckles turn white around his bag’s handle that kicks my heart into a frenzy.

He walks to us, settling behind me, and I just know he’s looking straight into Cole’s eyes when his free hand grabs the back of my neck.

“Cooper, I’m so glad your nose is better. That is why you should always keep your helmet on on the field.” Jake’s voice is warm, but the undertones of threats remind us all that he’s the one who had broken Cole’s nose for inviting me to the ball. A shiver runs down my spine at yet another realization that our relationship is just as toxic as magical.

Cole’s lips thin into an angry line, his jaw clicking. “Yeah. I’ll make sure to remember that.”

“You better.” The words come out a little colder, a tad more threatening.

“Whatever,” Cole mumbles. “I’ll see you later, Jamie.” He turns around, but Jake’s voice stops him in his tracks.

“You know something else you better remember?” This time, he’s mocking him, going straight for humiliation. Cole looks back and raises an eyebrow at him. “That there’s a lot more than your nose that might get broken if you keep hitting on my girlfriend.”

The lump that gets stuck in my throat stops me from defending Cole, from defending myself.

I’m sorry, Cole, I love it too much when he takes control. I can’t do anything about it.

Cole shakes his head. “Fuck you, White.” He leaves us behind, carrying on his way to English class. Leaving me at Jake’s mercy.

Jake’s grip tightens on the back of my neck, and his mouth grazes my ear when he talks again. “My my, Angel, I’m glad I’ve been thinking of creative ways to discipline you. You just love stepping out of line, don’t you?”

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