Page 15 of Giving Away

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Samuel simply nods, his attention is on Rose while she looks ready to kill him.

“They ran into some Wolves during their deliveries. Let’s go meet them.”

Samuel’s gaze reluctantly leaves Rose for Nathan. “What? What are you going to do with the situation you’ve just put us in?”

Nathan shrugs. “You know what to do.”

Samuel huffs, annoyed, but doesn’t reply anything. He simply comes my way, walks around me like I don’t exist, and leaves the house.

“‘Me,” Nathan says as he strides toward me. He goes to put his hands on my cheeks, but I instinctively take a step back. I used to feel so safe when he did this. How can it change so quickly?

“Please,” he insists. I recognize his soft voice but not the man standing in front of me. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen this way.”

“Is it true?” I ask. “Are you really related?”

He nods and any last hope I had that this was all a very well-rehearsed joke shatters in a thousand pieces.

“So you lied. Everything you said about leaving your house, about your inheritance.”

“I didn’t lie. Okay maybe about the inheritance bit but I did leave my house. Rose got rid of me, exactly like she wanted all along, and I had no choice but to stay away. Then they moved to the Murrays and I was able to go back to Mateo.”


Mateo Bianco, the guy he promised he wasn’t working for anymore.

“You said you worked for him, you didn’t say he was your foster parent,” I hiss. “You said you met him when you left your house, not that you grew up with him. You never mentioned being in the foster system.”

I don’t even sound like myself. I’m desperate for him to tell me none of this is true but it’s not coming. My brain is finally forced to get over the shock and accept the situation. Bits of our relationship flash back to me and I grip my scalp, trying to ground myself.

“When I came to your apartment, and you had a friend over. Was it Samuel?”

He looks away for a second and huffs before replying. “Yeah.”

“And when I asked you if you still worked for that man…”

“‘Me, I was looking for the right time.”

I can see from the corner of my eye, Rose watching us, dubious. She can’t believe we’re actually dating, just like I can’t believe they’re siblings. All this time we all were closer than we thought and never realized it. The world is such a strange place.

“I trusted you. You made me believe you lost your family like I had. You lied to me. You betrayed my trust.”

I can feel the tears coming at the realization that our entire relationship was based on lies. That there was never any mutual trust but a one-way transaction where I opened up to him and he fed me lies in return.

I thought I was a horrible person for having feelings for another man, I couldn’t comprehend how he was being so understanding of my mistakes. That’s because his lies were rooted in our relationship, like a poison inked in the veins of our love.

I suddenly feel a wave of shame and regret overwhelming me. All the late-night conversations telling him all my secrets, my hopes, and fears. I told him how much I missed my dad when I couldn’t tell my mom, I told him the pain I felt when my mom couldn’t even pronounce my brother’s name.

I feel sick to my stomach thinking of all the times I’ve let him explore my body and bring me pleasure. Thinking that I told him about Jake’s bullying is the worst part.

Out of all the people I could have opened to about this, I chose Nathan. Regret claws at me. I pushed Jake away to give a chance to my relationship with Nathan and he just threw it back in my face.

This is why deep down it never felt right to choose Nathan because it simply wasn’t.

The sound of the door closing behind me drives me out of my thoughts and I stare at Nathan. He looks concerned but I know now that it’s just a lie. Everything that comes out of him is a lie.

“We can talk about this later, ‘Me. I have to run.”

“Don’t call me that,” I retort. “Don’t call me anything. Don’t even consider me part of your life anymore.” I go to walk around him and toward the sofa, but he grabs my arm tightly.

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