Page 130 of Giving Away

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He isn’t scared because he knows he will get away with it.

He isn’t scared of anything and that’s the most terrifying thing about this situation.

Nathan walks to me and grabs my jaw with a strong hand, forcing me to look up at him. I pull at the rope, but I should know there’s nothing to do.

“I’m going to handle him and then, I promise, I’m going to deal with you.” His voice makes my whole body tremble.

“Let go of her.” Jake’s pained voice is nothing more than a whisper but we both hear him loud and clear.

It only makes Nathan chuckle. He turns around and walks to his brother, grabbing him by the hair and pulling him to the floor. Jake grunts in pain, he can only get back up on his knees, putting himself in a weak position. Nathan keeps a firm grip on his hair before he punches him in the face again.

“Stop, fucking stop!” I shriek as tears threaten to fall again.

I can’t watch this. Jake being beaten up in front of me is worse than the day a bullet lodged itself in my shoulder. I can feel every hit, I can feel his heart breaking. My skin prickles every time I hear the sound of flesh beating flesh and disgust grows in my stomach. I have to swallow again and again to stop myself from being sick.

“Please, Nathan, stop,” I cry.

Nathan laughs as he stops hitting. “You two are so fucking pathetic.” He gives me a disappointed look. “Especially when you know how it all started.”

I frown in confusion.

“What are you talking about?” I ask with a raw voice. Screaming and acids coming up my throat are weakening my vocal cords.

He doesn’t reply to me, instead, he lets go of Jake and lets him crash on the floor.

“Jake,” I heave desperately. “Please help him back on the sofa,” I beg Nathan, but he walks to me and squats in front of my chair to look right into my eyes. His forearms are resting on my bare thighs.

“He made your life hell at school!” he shouts in anger. His eyes dart to the necklace Jake gave me and turn darker.

He gets up and storms back to Jake looking down on him as he hopelessly tries to get back on the sofa.

“She didn’t want you, Jake. So you bullied her until she gave up. Fuck, who do you think you are, huh? You think you’re all that to her, but who do you think she came back crying to? Who do you think she confessed to that someone at school was harassing her because he couldn’t take that she was already seeing someone? Fucking. Pathetic.”

He kicks him in the legs and Jake makes another desperate sound. I try to tell myself that as long as he makes noises, he’s still conscious but his eyes are puffy and rarely open anymore. He tries to push himself into a sitting position, but Nathan kicks him down again, making Carlo laugh.

“Stay down,” Nathan orders dangerously.

Jake doesn’t listen. He tries to get up again, earning himself another kick, this time to his nose. Everyone can hear the crack it makes and my heart sinks in the darkest abysses.

“Oh my God,” I whimper. “Please, Jake, stop fighting back.”

“Mate, you’re losing the point here.” Sam’s voice cuts the tension like a sharp knife and Nathan finally reacts.

He looks up at his friend by the window and nods.

“Right…right,” he points at the paperwork. “I need you to sign this.” He taps the paper on the coffee table with a finger.

Jake lets out a chuckle that turns into a cough. “Fuck you,” he forces out. “Might as well kill me.” He coughs again.

Nathan laughs and shakes his head. “Do you think I’m stupid? That I don’t know you?” He sits down on the coffee table and rests his elbows on his knees. “See the thing with you is that you don’t mind pain. I could never get you to do anything by hurting you physically. I can punch you all night, it would bring me great joy, but I know you won’t sign that fucking thing. That’s a great trait we have in common. Pain doesn’t faze us.”

He runs a hand through his hair, undoes his blond bun, and redoes it. He pulls up his shirt’s sleeves that were already at his elbows anyway and settles back in his initial position.

“Your problem, however, is that you’re so fucking weak to the people you love. You and your useless twin care too much. And that’s the difference between you and me. And look how lucky I am tonight. Not only is Jamie here,” he takes his phone out, grabs Jake by the hair to pull his head up, and takes a picture of him, “but you know the second Ozy receives this picture of you she’s going to come running. And, really, I only need one of you to sign. The other will follow.”

I can’t believe my eyes. The extent he is willing to go to to have them sign the form is terrifying. Are we even all going to last long enough to see tomorrow?

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