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Chapter 26


Mylegbumpsup and down as I sit in the most uncomfortable seat I have ever sat my plump butt in. This college makes so much money off its students. One would think they’d be able to afford nicer seats for their graduates to sit in. But it doesn’t matter. After working my ass off these past couple months, I finally achieved my last few credits. I’m graduating. I finally made it. I can’t believe I finally made it and now the world is open for me. I don’t know what I will do yet, but at least I now have my diploma.

I can do anything I set my mind to.

The valedictorian drones on and on. I can barely pay attention. I scan the audience for my family and friends. We’re sitting outside, near the track field. This graduation ceremony is much smaller than Charlie’s and Lauren’s. Theirs was held in the auditorium with hundreds of students sitting in tiny, uncomfortable chairs. There are only about thirty people graduating this summer session, which makes everything more intimate, more personal.

Honestly, I think I like it much better this way. Sure, I wanted to graduate with my friends, but the intimacy of this ceremony definitely beats the lack of personality and care in the one usually carried out in May. With one look to my right, I find Charlie and Lauren sitting in the front row with Dad and Diana. Lauren is holding Maria while Hunter, Lucas, Alex, and Seth sit behind them. Lauren lifts Maria’s little hand and waves it at me. Dad takes a handkerchief and dabs at his eyes. He’s probably going to come up to me after the ceremony, pull me into a bear hug, and tell me how proud he is of me. I’d bet one hundred dollars on it.

I find Mom and Bryan sitting off to the left of them. Mom has her arms crossed. Her mouth is set in a stern thin line while Bryan looks confused as always. I don’t know why she looks so irritated. Maybe she doesn’t like it I proved her wrong by having a baby and getting my diploma at the same time. Sure, it’s a couple months late, but I still did it. I didn’t give up, although I wanted to a few times. The bros wouldn’t let me. They helped me, supported me. I partly have them to thank for getting to the finish line.

“Now, I will call up each graduate one by one to get their diploma,” says the moderator while the valedictorian takes her seat near the front.

I clasp my hands together to keep from fidgeting. It will take a bit to get to me, since my last name begins with M. For some weird reason, I’m worried they forgot to put my diploma in the stack. Or maybe I did something wrong and I am one credit short. My stomach churns and I focus on my breath, trying to remain calm.

“William Mason,” the speaker calls, followed by a round of claps as William rises and walks up to the podium.

Sweat drips down my cheek. The clapping drifts away and all I can hear is my pounding heart.

“Victoria Meddleson.”

I clench my jaw and still my leg.

“Rachel Miller.”

I pop up from my seat like a Jack-in-the-box popping out of its box. For a moment I look around, wondering if this is really happening. My eyes land on Seth, watching him clap, giving me a curt nod.

“Go Rachel!” Charlie shouts, her voice urging me to step away from the seats and toward the podium.

I take the two small steps onto the wooden floor and shakily take the speaker’s hand while simultaneously grabbing my diploma.

“Congratulations,” the man says with a thin-lipped smile.

“Thanks,” I squeak out before scurrying away and back to my seat.

I hold up my diploma as I pass my family and friends, earning a loud, “Yeah!” From Hunter, Lucas, Alex, and Charlie.

I did it. I really did it.

The rest of the ceremony carries on, flying by with me hardly being aware of my own surroundings, until finally I am jumping up from my seat and throwing my cap into the air. It takes me a moment to find it. I, thankfully, decorated the top with a very sparkly pink “Rachel” on the top of the cap.

“You did it!” Lauren shouts while I pick up my cap.

The rest of my family and friends follow after her, my mom and Bryan lagging in the back.

“Yeah, I can’t believe I did,” I say with a shaky sigh. “I was worried there for a moment that I dreamed this whole thing.”

“Should we go somewhere to celebrate?” Charlie asks while Lauren hands me Maria.

I purse my lips. “I don’t know. I think Maria has been in the sun too long and she may need her nap soon.”

“We could go back to your place,” Dad suggests.

Diana nods excitedly. I don’t think the woman can frown. She’s always so happy about something. “We can order a few pizzas.”

“Only if we also get the breadsticks with the cheesy dip,” Charlie says with a pout. “I’m really going to miss those breadsticks.”

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