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“No,” Charlie and Lauren say in unison.

“Don’t listen to her,” Lauren adds.

“She’s just trying to rain on your parade,” says Charlie, making me giggle for a few seconds.

“But she’s right,” I sob, quickly wiping my tears away. “I don’t think I will be able to finish school.” I gesture to the folders in the middle of the bed. “I’m exhausted all the time, and I need to reduce my stress. And then, when the baby comes, I won’t have time for anything.”

“You’ll make time,” says Lauren while wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I shake my head. “How? I don’t even know what to do when the baby comes out.”

Charlie chuckles and pats my hand. “No one knows. Half the fun is figuring it out.”

“Besides, you won’t be doing this on your own,” says Lauren. “You have the bros, and you have us.”

“I don’t know if that will be enough,” I rasp, and before I know it, I’m covering my face with both my hands, unable to contain my sobs any longer. As I cry, Charlie and Lauren pull me into a hug. I feel their hands rubbing my back. I hear their shushes in my ear.

“It will be okay,” Charlie says. “It’s normal to be scared, but you’ve got this.”

“And don’t worry,” says Lauren as she pulls away from me. She pushes a lock of hair behind my ear while smiling at me. “Lots of mothers have graduated from college. You may have to go to summer school or take another year, but having a baby isn’t going to ruin your life.”

“Don’t let your mom get in your head.” Charlie taps my forehead for emphasis. “She’s only thinking about herself. She’s not thinking about what you want.”

I nod, knowing they’re right. When I returned home from the hospital, before Mom found out about the pregnancy, there was a brief moment when I felt confident in myself. Sure, I was scared. I am still scared. However, I know I want this baby. I know I want to be with the bros and form a family with them. I need to listen to myself and my support system and not let anyone change my mind. This is my life. Not everything will be perfect, but I know this decision is the best for me. Mom may not be in the picture in the future, which will suck, but what can I do? I’m a grown adult. Her time of parenting is done. And I know, whether she’s in my life or not, everything will be fine.

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