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“That would not stop Angus from trying.” Logan moved to greet Donella. “Now, I see we have a visitor.”

The lass gave him a graceful curtsy and a polite smile. After her initial flustered response, she’d adopted the self-contained persona she often wore when she was feeling most unsure of herself.

“Yes,” Joseph said. “Aunt Vicky said Donella might come for a visit, and here she is. She’s come for Christmas.”

Logan raised a brow. “Has she now? That’s a grand surprise.”

“I take it you were not aware I’d be coming to stay,” she said with a slight wince.

“No, but I rarely know what’s going on around here. Just ask my son.”

Joseph rolled his eyes again. “That’s because you’re always at work, Papa.”

Logan rubbed his chin. “Hmm. I’ll have to remedy that, but I’m certain that your aunt Vicky did not tell me about Miss Haddon’s impending visit.”

“I’d planned on staying at Breadie Manor, but Alasdair and Eden aren’t yet ready to come to town. Eden wrote to Victoria and asked if I might stay here until they do.” Her smile was apologetic. “I do hope I’m not putting anyone out.”

“Lass, of course not. You’re most welcome, and I’m sure Victoria is happy to have another woman in the house.”

Her smile became more genuine. “I did get that impression.”

“The Kendrick men can be a wee bit overwhelming. It’s a wonder we don’t burn the house down on a regular basis.”

Joseph shook his head. “Not me. Aunt Vicky said I’m the good Kendrick.”

Logan ruffled his son’s hair. “That you are.”

When Joseph carefully smoothed his hair back into place, Logan had to repress a sigh. Where was the fun-loving tyke who would throw himself into his father’s arms, shrieking with laughter whenever Logan hung him upside down or tossed him into the air? He didn’t know how to reach that boy anymore and feared he was gone forever.

He caught Donella studying them, as if she’d glimpsed the tension.

“So, Miss Haddon,” he said, gesturing her to resume her seat, “what brings you to Glasgow?”

She settled gracefully onto the settee. Joseph plopped down next to her, appearing comfortable in her presence. Logan couldn’t blame him. Some might think Donella haughty, but during their time together, he’d seen through to the heart of her. She was truly a bonny lass, both brave and kind.

“Donella’s come to Glasgow to have a Christmas party,” Joseph said with excitement. “One with presents, and treats, andeverything.”

“Well, that’s splendid,” replied Logan as he propped a shoulder against the mantelpiece. “But don’t you think you’d best call her Miss Haddon? You just met her, son.”

When Joseph ducked his head, Logan wanted to kick himself. He should have waited until they were alone to correct the boy’s manners. As usual, he’d made a cock-up of the simplest parental task.

“It’s my fault,” Donella quickly said. “I asked him to call me that.”

“I’m sorry, Papa,” Joseph said in a small voice.

“No,I’msorry, lad,” Logan replied. “If Miss Haddon gave you permission to use her given name, you can certainly do so.”

His son frowned. “But you call her Miss Haddon, and you met her way before I did.”

Logan fumbled for a sensible answer. “Well, you see—”

“Your papa must certainly call me Donella from now on,” she interrupted, patting Joseph’s hand. “After all, your aunt Vicky and my cousin, Alasdair, are close relations. So, it’s like we’re all family.”

“Thenyoumust call me Logan, of course,” Logan firmly said.

Her eyelid twitched at his little push for intimacy. She’d been caught in her own trap, but he wouldn’t tease her. After all, she’d done it to make his son feel better.

“Papa, Donella said I could come to her Christmas party,” Joseph said, returning to the obviously most important subject.

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