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His son’s gaze lit up with the expression of a devoted acolyte. “Oh, yes. She’s so pretty and always smells so good. Uncle Royal thought so, too. He would make sheep’s eyes at her. Grandda and I used to laugh when he did that.”

Logan smothered a chuckle. Ainsley was quite the loveliest woman he’d ever met—until Donella Haddon. Even dressed like a disheveled urchin, Donella’s beauty had shown through like a rising sun breaking through the mist.

And why the hell are you thinking about Donella?God knew he would likely never see her again.

“Papa, are you all right?” Joseph asked.

Logan blinked. “Yes, I’m fine.”

The dogs suddenly dashed for the drawing room door, yipping with excitement.

Victoria shot Logan a glance. “That will be Nicholas.”

“Oh, good.” Kade scrambled up. “He’ll be so surprised and excited to see Grandda and Joseph.”

Logan, Graeme, and Angus exchanged swift looks. Clearly, they were all thinking that same thing—that this meeting might very well be difficult for Nick.

Joseph tucked his legs under him and slowly stood, staying close to Angus. He’d once more adopted a tight, wary expression, as if expecting the worst from whatever was about to happen.

A solemn, too-mature child had stolen in and taken the place of Logan’s happy little boy. The change was mostly to be laid on his doorstep, and he had no bloody idea how to make it better, at least not right now.

“Nicholas will be thrilled to see Angus again,” Victoria said cheerfully. “And he’ll be so eager to meet his nephew.”

“Really?” asked Joseph.

Angus scoffed. “Och, he’ll be delirious to see us both. He’s been missin’ my help at Kinglas. Poor lad’s been in a lather without me, not knowin’ one end of a ledger from another.”

Joseph’s pursed lips started to ease into a smile until the door opened and Nick strode in.

The Laird of Arnprior paused, his steely blue eyes sweeping the room and its anxious occupants.

Every muscle in Logan’s body urged him to sweep his son into his arms, holding him protectively close. Nick was the kindest of men, but he was laird and chief of his clan. His word was law, and that word would set the tone for Joseph’s life in Scotland.

“No wonder Henderson was in a flap,” Nick said. “This is quite the surprise.”

Chapter Fourteen

Angus hauled himself up. “Aye, it’s yer grandda, come home to help ye out of yer troubles. I knew ye’d be lost without me.”

Nick snorted but opened his arms wide for a hug when Angus stomped over to him. Joseph hung back, clearly more than a little anxious about meeting his uncle.

Logan moved to stand beside his son. When Joseph’s hand reached up and clutched his, Logan’s heart throbbed with love and concern for the wee lad.

“Yer lookin’ grand,” Angus said, clapping Nick on the shoulder. “Except for some gray hairs, I see. Yer workin’ too hard, so it’s a good thing I’m back to help.”

“Kinglas will muddle on a bit longer without you, Grandda,” Nick said with a wry smile. “You can take all the time you need to recover from what I’m sure was a taxing sea voyage.”

“Och, we were bored out of our skulls, ye ken.” Angus rubbed his hands. “I’m ready to get back to work.”

It was a running joke that Nick’s worst nightmare was Angus getting back into estate business. To say their grandfather was old-fashioned and disorganized in his management techniques was an epic understatement.

“Nick’s right, Grandda,” Graeme said. “I’ve been helping around the estate, and Victoria works on the books. You can relax as much as you want.”

“Uh-oh,” Kade muttered, when the old man started to bristle.

“Well, that’ll be enough of that nonsense,” barked Angus. “Estate steward ismyjob, and ye’ll nae be takin’ it away from me, ye cheeky lad.”

Graeme winced. “I can hear you, Grandda. You’re only three feet away from me.”
