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It was her turn to scoff. “Logan . . .”

He took her other hand, holding both between his. “Donella Haddon, you are a brave and spirited lass with true Highland fire. If you’d been a man, you’d have been a warrior.”

As she gazed up into sky-blue eyes that gleamed with humor, affection, and warmth that muddled her brain, Donella didn’t feel brave at all. She felt terrified, because she was realizing she’d truly and finally fallen in love.

And that meant she had to own up to some very uncomfortable truths.

“I meant it when I said those girls weren’t entirely wrong. When they were talking about my mother, and about me.”

“Sweetheart, if you’re trying to say you’re queer in the attic, I’m not having it.”

She glanced down at their joined hands. God, it was hard to tell him. Harder than she’d ever imagined.

“The truth can’t be worse than the lies,” he said.

She choked out a strangled laugh. “You’d be surprised about that.”

“Donella, it’s time I knew the truth about your poor mother’s situation. I can help, if I know exactly what the problem is.”

Her gaze darted upward to meet his. Instead of confusion or judgment, she saw only understanding. “You know, don’t you?”

“That your mother is ill and under private care? Yes. Nick told me.”

“Of course he would know. Victoria would have told him.” And how embarrassing was it that his lordship had then gone on to tell Logan.

Logan shook his head. “He only told me because I was concerned by your reaction to the old Ferguson bat at the sweet shop. Nor has Victoria been telling tales. Nick has only the most basic details about your mother’s condition, nothing else.”

“Does anyone else in your family know?”

“Not to my knowledge. And it’s no one’s business but yours. I only wish to know because I want to protect you against the kind of ugly gossip we heard tonight.”

He so obviously meant it that she found herself blinking back tears again.

“Och, lass,” he said in a gruff voice. “None of that nonsense. Ye’ll kill me if ye start up with that.”

She pulled away one hand to briefly press her fingertips against her eyelids. “Sorry, I’m being silly. And I don’t know if there’s anything you can do, since the rumors are already circulating. We thought we’d scotched it after the original incident but apparently not.” She sighed. “I suppose getting kicked out of the convent is what set it off again. My poor family. I give them nothing but trouble.”

“If that was the case, they’d be shipping you off to another convent as quick as could be, and they are not.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Maybe it would be better if they did.”

Logan dipped his head and pressed an utterly possessive kiss to her lips. His mouth was warm and firm, lingering for a few delicious moments, long enough to set her heart hammering against her ribs. When he drew back, she found her hand resting on his chest, as if to find balance.

Because she’d never felt more off-kilter in her life.

“And we’ll have no more nonsense about another convent,” he said gruffly. “You’re staying right here with the people who love you, understand?”

She blinked up at him, trying to gather her scattered wits. She wished she had the courage to ask if he was among those who loved her. Since that seemed presumptuous and entirely too risky, she simply nodded.

“Good girl. Now, do you think you could tell me about your mother?”

“Why not?” she said ruefully. “Everyone else in town seems to know.”

“That’s doubtful, and it wouldn’t be accurate, anyway.” He let go of one hand and reached for her glass.

“Are you trying to get me intoxicated, Mr. Kendrick?”

“Just trying to help you steady your nerves.”

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