Page 179 of White Lies

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His lips tighten. “I promise.” He is silent for several beats before he says, “We’re friends. I care about your success. Come to L.A. in a couple of weeks.Alone.Let’s do some career planning.”

Nick’s warnings ring in my head, driven home by the way he’s kept me far away from him tonight. “Are we too personal, Josh?”

“I care. Most people want an agent that cares.”

“But are you too personally involved with me?”

“We’re friends.”

“Macom is your friend.”

“You are, too, Faith. And I’m the best damn agent out there. You need me. I deserve you. I’ve ridden the highs and lows with you. You don’t get to leave when you have some success or when I push too hard. We’re a team. Agreed?”

He’s right. He has stuck it out with me. “Yes. But you need to know that I have moved in with Nick. He’s not going away, so please treat him accordingly.”

“You moved in with him,” he states flatly.

“Yes. Please treat him—”

“Understood,” he says, glancing at his watch. “We need to get into the ceremony.”

“I am going to go freshen up,” I say, not about to let him come up with a reason to separate me from Nick for the ceremony. “I’ll see you inside.”

He studies me several beats. “Are we okay?”

“Yes. Of course.”

He gives a short incline of his head. “You need to be seated in ten minutes.” He leaves then, and I turn to find a bathroom and run smack into a hard body, big hands catching my waist. The musky scent of familiar cologne washes over me even before my gaze lifts, and I find myself looking into Macom’s gray eyes.

Chapter Thirty-Five


I push away from Macom, but he tightens his grip on my waist. “We need to talk. Let’s set a time and place.”

“Let go of me, Macom, or I willmakeyou let go of me.”

“When the ceremony is over. I’m in room—”

“You need to be on stage,” Josh says, suddenly by my side. “They’re looking for you.”

Macom’s eyes meet Josh’s, anger crackling in their depths. “Now?”

“Now,” Josh states firmly.

Macom’s jaw tenses, and he looks down at me. “Ten ten. After the show.” He releases me and fades into the crowd.

I turn to Josh. “Thank you.”

“I told him not to pull this shit, but look, Faith. For what it’s worth, he talked to me last night. He was torn up. He has regrets. He feels like shit. He seems to just need to apologize in person, and if you don’t want him, he’ll accept it.”

“He doesn’t want to apologize. He wants to make me another conquest.”

“All I can tell you is my take, and I don’t see it that way. But moving on. I’ll see you inside.” He steps away from me, and there is a ceremony announcement. The crowd immediately starts moving, and I end up in the crunch of bodies, a sardine in a can, as we slowly ease toward the door. Impatient, I slip my purse across my chest, then try to find a hole to break free.

More aggressive actions work, and I push through the bustle of people with a good amount of speed. The bodies bottleneck near the door, though, and I’m stuck, unable to proceed. That’s when a hand comes down on my arm, and suddenly I’m folded into Nick’s arms. “Hey there, sweetheart.”

I smile with the realization we’re just inside the ceremony room, against the wall and out of the rush. “You saved me again.”

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