Page 156 of White Lies

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“Agreed, and anyone who thought I’d let you be crazy enough to sell it under those conditions didn’t think ahead. A year from now, we can not only have it rebuilt, we’ll have time to figure out the hidden value. We’ll get you that nest egg, sweetheart, and I have a pretty good nest egg for us both.”

Trying really hard to get out of my past and my own head, I don’t reject that idea. Instead, I press my hand to his face. “Is it okay if I contribute to it?”

He presses my hand to his lips. “I’m really turned on by the idea of having a famously wealthy artist in my bed.”

My lips curve. “That was a pretty perfect thing to say, for such an arrogant bastard.”

“Even arrogant bastards have our moments.”

Footsteps sound, and a frazzled-looking Kasey appears, and he doesn’t hesitate to cross the room to sit with us. “I need to know a number of things,” he says, his focus landing on Nick. “You’re a stockholder now? Because Rita said that you are.”

“I am,” Nick says, “which means you have the resources to fix today’s problems.”

“You’ll want a return,” he says. “Do you plan to sell?”

Nick squeezes my leg. “Have you heard a rumor?”

“This place has always drawn offers,” he says, “and you’re filthy rich, man. Money loves money.”

“Did my father consider selling?” I ask. “Is that why you assume I will?”

“You know your father would never let go of this place, though yes. People tried to buy it.”

“What is it about this winery that makes people want it?” Nick asks.

“We are part of the core history of Sonoma,” he says. “It appeals to buyers. I know one wanted to restore the house and get it designated as some sort of landmark.” He refocuses on Nick. “Are you going to force a sale?”

“I don’t need a return,” Nick says. “I’m here for Faith. And what she wants, I will make happen.”

Kasey’s attention turns to me. “Are you going to sell?”

“I’d be a fool to sell now,” I say. “I’d lose money.”

“That’s a maybe,” Kasey says. “Just not now.”

“Not for a long time,” I correct.

“And now you’re devoted to being here and fixing things,” he assumes.

“No,” I say. “I’d like to offer you a new compensation package with bonuses. And if I sell, I’ll include an incentive for you. I want to take care of you.”

“Are you saying you’re going to let go of the day-to-day operations?” he presses.

“I’m moving to San Francisco with Nick, unless you tell me I need to be here to run this place.”

“You don’t,” Kasey says. “You’re free.”

Free. Am I ever really free of this place as long as I own it? I have to try to be. “Would you like to take over the living quarters in the mansion?” I offer.

His eyes narrow. “You’re offering me the mansion?” His tone is incredulous.

“Yes,” I say. “Rent free.”

“I’ll draft a contract with your compensation,” Nick interjects. “We’ll include the mansion, but I will need you to work with my team to manage the finances. If this sounds acceptable to you?”

“It does,” he says, looking at me. “This place was never your place.”

“No,” I say. “But it has always been your place.”

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