Page 148 of White Lies

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“Irrelevant point, pulled out of a hat and meant to deflect. He’s a horny piece-of-shit asshole, but he’s your agent, and your career is connected to him.”

“He can wait. Right now, I need to finish this conversation about my uncle and talk about Kasey’s incentives.”

“Call your agent back.” He rounds the counter, snags my hips, and pulls me to him. “The man wants in your pants. I don’t like it, but professionally, he’s your agent, and your career is taking off. Everything else can wait and will be far more tolerable if he’s delivering good news.Call him back.”

“You’re being obnoxiously pushy.”

“And this is unusual how?”




“Faith. How many times are we doing this? Because I have all weekend, but just in case you’ve missed the obvious. If you won’t fight for your art, I will. That’s what I do. I fight. And you could have already called him back in the time we’ve had this exchange.”

“Fine.” I grab my phone, and Nick releases me while I hit select on the most recent call.

Josh picks up on the first ring. “You have another sale from the Chris Merit show, darling.”

I perk up, that ball of tension that had formed when we arrived easing just a bit. “I do?”

“Yes. You do.”

I turn to Nick and mouth “another sale.” He gives me a wink that does funny things to my belly while Josh adds, “And thanks to Chris Merit and your amazing skills, your price is now twenty thousand a painting. After this show, we’re going to make it thirty. You need those paintings shipped out in a week. How are they coming?”

“I’m done. I copied you on the submission form.”

“Done? As of when?”


“And you didn’t run the pieces by me?”

“I knew what I wanted in the show.”

“I need photos. Send me photos. We can still change them out if—”

“No. I’m not sending you photos or changing things out. I told you. I’m painting for me now, not for you or anyone else.”

“As you should be, but come on, Faith. I’ve been in this with you a long time. Send me photos.”

“On the condition that you offer no opinions.”

“Agreed. And get them shipped in advance. Don’t take risks. The details on how and where to ship are on your forms.”

“I’ll pull it, and it will be handled.”

“You need to have all pieces there in a week.”

“I know, Josh. Deep breath. I’m not going to let either one of us down on this. And you know what. I’m not sending you photos. I don’t want you to freak yourself—or me—out over my choices. They are made. I stand by them. You need to just see them when I get there.”


“No, Josh. No. And FYI. I’m working at the Allure Gallery with Chris and Sara Merit now.”

“What about the winery?”

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