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Hunter was getting real tired of these special entrances. “Reese, can we talk real quick?”

Cheryse paused, giving him a look that told him it wasn't a good time, but … he had to talk to her about some family business as well. “Uh, okay.”

Roger paused next to Hunter, glancing at Cheryse. “Really? You can just drop everything for him?”

Hunter refrained from hitting the guy, and that took a lot out of him. “Roger, why don’t you skedaddle for a sec and let me and Reese talk something out?”

Roger gave him a murderous look. “Skedaddle. Did you just say that word to me?”

“I thought the word fit you.”

Reese stepped between them. “Roger, let me have a sec with Hunter, okay?”

Roger glared at her, then moved to the back of the salon. “Do what you want.”

Hunter’s heart raced, but he couldn’t stop himself from taking what might be his last chance to talk to her. “Look, I’m sorry.”

“You can’t do that, Hunter,” Cheryse said, shaking her head.

He moved closer to her, talking quietly, but firmly. “I can’t do what?”

She didn’t answer.

“Listen, I was there when you kissed me. It wasn’t just our shared history. It wasn’t just the way you love when I play my guitar. It wasn’t the fact that I’ve felt this attraction for you my whole life. It’s … us. It’s what we are supposed to be, and you know it.”

“Hunter, I can’t do this.”

He sighed, then refocused. “Fine. Whatever. Are you coming to Kensi’s baby shower tomorrow?”

The women had been planning it for over a week.

“You know I am.”

He nodded. “Well, Brooks called last night and said all the coordinates that Trent had been recording showed up as recon work being done by some third-party ex-military company that no one knows.”

“What?” She looked shocked.

He nodded. “So me and the boys are suiting up and checking it out during the baby shower.”


Unable to stop himself, he leaned in and pulled her in for a hug. “Reese, I just … want you to be there and … I want you to be truthful with Roger, and I want …”

She pulled back and met his gaze.

“I want you. That’s the truth, but … I’ll walk away if that’s what you decide. I did it once. I think I can do it again. But it’s for you to decide.”

“Hunter, I need to tell you what great work you did to the yard.” Roger walked out from the back of the salon.

Hunter turned to face the idiot. “Oh yeah?”

Reese kept her eyes on him, looking like she was trying not to cry.

Roger moved closer. “The results are awesome. What you did to help is above and beyond what anyone could have done.”

Punching this guy was the only thing Hunter wanted to do right now, but he graciously nodded and glanced at Cheryse. She only stared at him. Hunter turned toward the door. “I didn’t do it for you.”


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