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Hunter hadn’t participated in the Stone family phone calls and updates, but he took his sister’s welfare seriously. “What’s wrong?”

Marshall shrugged. “We’re not sure, but she’s been extra tired with this pregnancy. Tim is worried about her.”

“Being tired is normal in pregnancy, right?” Hunter didn’t know much, but he knew that.

“Right, but … she’s high-risk because of her age. We’ll know more after her doctor’s appointment next week.”

Hunter processed this information, then started walking again. “So basically you know nothing.”

Marshall shook his head and slapped Hunter on the back as they reached the shop, then continued walking. “Dude, do your thing. I’ll be back soon.”

Hunter ignored him and pulled out a key to unlock the door.

“Hunter, can I have a word, please?” Pastor Henry called, rushing across the street.

Hunter stifled a groan and turned to face him. “What?”

“Sorry to bug you, but I’ve been trying to get in contact with you.”

Hunter didn’t want to talk to the pastor, and boy, did he know how much the pastor had been trying to speak with him. He had stopped at all of his siblings’ houses looking for him. “Sorry,” he said, averting his eyes. “I’ve been busy.”

Clearly undeterred, the pastor smiled. “I know. I know.”

Hunter blew out a breath and faced him. Pastor Henry might be the only person who could get his attention lately—well, maybe Kensi could if she tried really hard, but he had a lot of respect for the pastor. “What do you need?”

“I just need to tell you something. Something I think your mother would want you to know.”

Oh dear. Using his mother as bait might not be the pastor’s best move. “Okay.”

“I want to remind you that at any point when we turn to God, He forgives us. He doesn’t ask questions, and He just loves us again.”

Hunter didn’t know if he should be moved by the words. He nodded curtly. “Well, thanks for telling me.”

“And there is one other little thing I wanted to ask you.” Pastor Henry looked around like he was afraid he’d get caught, then focused on Hunter. “Do you remember our discussions about you possibly being a pastor?”

Hunter was taken aback by this question. “Uh, yeah. When I was growing up?”

“Well, do you think you would still like a job like that?”

He scoffed. “I don’t think I’m made for that now.”

Pastor Henry waved a hand. “You’d be perfect for the job. Your life experiences would give you all the compassion you’d ever need.”

Hunter was stupefied. “Uh, I don’t think I’m cut out to be a pastor anymore.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because … I’m kinda not the pastor type.”

Pastor Henry laughed.

Hunter’s mood turned a bit more serious, he thought of the thing that had been bugging him lately.

“You look like you have something on your mind, son?”

Feeling caught, Hunter nodded. “It’s been on my mind a long time.” His mouth went suddenly dry and he didn’t know how to even talk about this.

“I’m not in a hurry, son.”

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