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Chapter 32

Time slowed. Liberty stared at the black chopper descending toward them. She could see men with machine guns sticking out of the sides, and the man in charge stood out among them. His face was still burned into her mind. She couldn’t forget the man who had threatened Trent’s life.

Liberty was in shock. She found herself suddenly back at the night of the crash. Glass shattering, Ian crying out, Will yelling at her to do something, the airbag deploying …

The slow motion ended abruptly, and the helo landed next to them. She sucked in a breath. Nine or ten men piled out, brandishing machine guns. They all had that cold killer type of look.

The only person who looked out of place was Mr. Banks, who was casually strolling toward them in his khakis and Hawaiian shirt. His brown hair was mussed from the wind, and it was a little bit too long. He had that same beard from the other night, and he held his gun in the same way a child would hold a toy, waving it around in the air.

“Gentlemen, we meet again.” He had that same slimy voice going on. It reminded Liberty of the way villains in movies acted, like they were going half crazy.

The Stone brothers stood. As if they could read each other’s minds, they moved so Brooks and Trey were at the front, with Marshall and Hunter in the rear. The men motioned for the women to stand behind them.

The only one who didn’t move was Trent. He was still digging through the keys.

“Brooks,” said Mr. Banks. “I have to say I’m disappointed in you. You’re just getting sloppy.”

Brooks crossed his arms. “I would tell you that it only takes one shot to kill you, and there’s a bunch of snipers here, but but I don’t know if that matters to you.”

Mr. Banks threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, you’re threatening me? The Stone family is threatening me?” He gestured at Kensi. “The truth is, the only one in this family who has even touched me is your sister. That should put the rest of you to shame.”

Hunter pulled a gun from his side and pointed it at Banks’s head. “You heard my brother, we are all snipers, dude. Any of us can make this shot. Why don’t you skedaddle before I prove him right? I don’t take kindly to you putting a pistol to my brother’s back the other night.”

Banks looked at Hunter with crazy eyes and snarled, “Oh, that’s right, you guys have that twin thing going on. If I shoot him, will that cause you pain?”

Marshall let out a loud growl. “You hurt any of them and I’ll grind your face to ash.”

Liberty noted that Kat didn’t betray any kind of worry. She glanced at the other women, who all played it cool as well. They were concerned, but they kept their heads. Clearly, they were all used to this type of thing.

Banks didn’t look afraid. He aimed his gun at Marshall. “You all know that it only takes one shot for me too. And I kind of figure that if I hurt any of you, than I’ve hurt all of you.” His tone turned delighted. He snorted and tossed his gun up into the air and then caught it. “I’m good, right? I’m like a gun master.”


Banks turned to Trent. “Maybe that’s why you’re my favorite Stone, even though you double crossed me.” He grunted. “We identify with each other.”

“No we don’t,” Trent said, yanking his gun from it’s holster.

“How does that feel, babe slayer? To have no legacy, no one who loves you, not a care in the world except the treasure?”

Trent pointed his gun at Banks. “I’m. Not. You.”

Fear pulsed through Liberty. “Trent,” she called out without really thinking.

Mr. Banks’s attention turned to her. “The woman with the magic hair.” A mischievous look appeared in his eyes—actually, it was more of a glint. Wasn’t that what villains had in their eyes? “The woman from the Christmas party who talked me into not shooting you.” He glanced back at Trent.

Trent took a step toward him. “Lay off, Banks.”

It happened lightning fast. Banks yanked his arm and gun toward Trent. “Don’t tell me what to do!”

Hunter shouted, “Trent, on your six!”

Trent turned just as the guy standing next to Mr. Banks advanced on him, yanking up his machine gun and plowing it into Trent’s face.

The Stone men seemed to surge as one unit toward Mr. Banks’s men.

Kensi yelled out, “Get down!”

Bullets began flying, and Liberty threw herself to the ground. She tried to see what was going on.

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