Page 5 of His to Keep

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“What’s your name, anyway?”

He smiled slowly, walking past me to open the door to the outside space. “David Gates. Feel free to tell him how well I’ve been doing my job.”



Gates? What the actual fuck was wrong with me? I watched Whitney storm off, her cute little jean-covered ass swaying as she dug in her bag for sunglasses.

She was a firecracker under all that sweetness. I’d interviewed her, of course, but stayed off camera. And my online security team must’ve done a killer job stripping the internet of my looks, because even as she had stared at me a few moments ago, there was no recognition.

She had no idea it was my baby she was carrying. And I was going to use that to my advantage. When I’d written the contact, I’d intended to assign one of my best to her. Maybe even Asher. But when her file had come across my desk this week, an updated sonogram as well as a smiling, willowy, tall blonde, with hair that fell in waves to the center of her back…

She’d been holding the ultrasound picture against her flat belly, joy and excitement shining in her pretty face.

And I’d known then and there that I needed to meet her. I was compelled. So much so that this morning when Gates had checked in before beginning his stint as her bodyguard, I’d asked him to stay on his temporary case.

He was one of my best, but a dark, nearly painful need to be the one who was taking care of her had taken hold. Jealousy was not something I was familiar with, but in these past few months, watching my brother find his forever love, watching my father retire to bliss with my mother, and turning forty-one with almost no real connections outside fo my family in sight? I was ready for a family of my own. I wanted bath time, I wanted school pick up lines, and I wanted the chaos.

Almost more than that, I really wanted a partner, a warm, familiar body in my life, my bed. I wanted baby bellies and sonogram appointments. Going with the surrogacy had been my last option. And while I didn’t regret it for a moment, how could I let this opportunity slip by? Maybe there wouldn’t be chemistry between the baby’s mother and me. But there would be some level of involvement if I were standing as the bodyguard. I would see her grow. I would see my baby get big.

It would have to be enough.

And then I’d shown up here, seeing that now familiar face leaning against the wall at this strange mother’s event. I was going to wait to approach her until after. But she’d been holding her flat belly, worry on her face.

I’d dashed inside to get close to her before I even registered how bad of an idea it was. Because now, I couldn’t just say that it was the need to be close to my baby.

I wanted to be around her more too.

Gates could stay on his temporary assignment for a few more weeks. I was right where I belonged.

Smiling, I tucked my phone into my suit pocket and prepared to deny the angry voicemail she was surely about to give me, completely unaware I was only a few feet behind her.

I felt the vibrating of my device, and with a wry smile, I watched Whitney’s hands swirling through the air as she left me a voicemail that was no doubt as scratching as she got.

I’d enjoy listening to it later.

She stopped just outside of the school and waited. I could see it in the disappointed sag of her shoulders. Instead of victory of her giving up, something in my chest ached a little as I joined her in the Chicago sun.

“Is there something I can do?” I asked from behind her. My palms twitched to reach for her, to press my hands against her body.

She sniffled, glancing back at me with tear-filled eyes. The edges were pink and made the blue in her eyes sharpen into a deeper shade of blue. Again, that pang in my chest fired, and I forced my features to hold the expressionless mask that I donned in all professional situations.

“No, it’s not your fault anyway. I know you’re just doing what he told you to.” She cast a rueful look back at the school before moving away from it to the stairs. “Can we go?”

“You don’t want to go in?”

She shook her head quickly, making wisps of her bright blonde hair slip across her face. “You’re probably doing me a favor anyway. I’m no good in new situations like that.” She jerked her head back towards the meeting.

I nodded, staying silent.

“How did you find me anyway?”

“We called the agency.”

She nodded again, the silence between us softening as stared up at me.

“You’re coming home with me then, right?”

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