Page 30 of His to Keep

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His eyes grew dark at that, and he didn’t stop until we were nearly flush to each other. I almost whimpered at the size difference as his eyes swept over my face.

“Whitney, what is this?”

I started to say dinner, but the word stuck in my throat. I cleared it once, but now the only thing that seemed right was to spill out the truth. “I want you.”

The vein in his forehead throbbed as he leaned in. “For dinner?”

I flushed and fidgeted a bit under his gaze. “No, I just thought maybe that we could talk, then eat, then…” I couldn’t believe how nervous I suddenly was. This was the same man who fed me crackers on a couch, who made me come on his lap in a car. Yet, I was acting like I’d never even talked to him.

Maybe because I still had one rather enormous truth to let out on him. But I wasn’t ready yet. Not until I had him where I wanted him. Then…then I could let that secret out.

“And then?”

I gathered every inch of willpower and strength and clenching need in my body and power into in my next words. “And then…I’m yours.”

Everything Emerson did was in such careful measures, the careful, purposeful actions of a man who was completely under control at all times. So, I was more than a little shocked when my words sent him flying across the kitchen to me. His big arms were around my waist in a moment, hauling me up so that his mouth could fasten onto my lips.

But I had to say, not mad about it at all. In fact, the moment his lips were on mine, I forgot about everything else in the entire world except us. And the incredibly way he was making me feel. His lips were firm, insistent in their quest to get my mouth to open. And when his tongue slipped in to dance with mine, my knees trembled and threatened to break apart.

He tasted like decadence and moved like he knew exactly what I wanted. And again, my secret burned a hole in my chest. But I shoved it down, focusing instead on the way his fingers had found the edge of my shirt and dived underneath in the back to smooth over my skin, petting and stroking as his tongue twisted and played with mine.

When I finally pulled away to gasp in a breath, his body bowed low so that he could reach my neck, his mouth tracing the lines of my throat as I held on to his dark hair as if it were my final lifeline.

“Emerson,” I moaned when his teeth scraped against my collarbone, making the heat in my veins throb ever harder.

“Say it again. Say it loud.”

I knew in an instant what he wanted, what he needed me to say. “I’m yours.”

His hands rose, taking my shirt with them, and he tossed it aside. I swung my arms at my sides, a bit confused at what to do now that he’d started this phase of things. But I didn’t need to worry, because in an instant, his tongue was back on my skin, tracing the arc of each of my breasts where they were tucked into my red lace bra.

“Fuck, they’re beautiful, just like you.”

“Emerson,” I moaned, rotating my hips against his hold in an effort to get some of the friction I was craving.

“In time, in time. I have been fantasizing about you since the moment we met. Give me a minute to soak you in.”

I groaned, biting down on my lip. “Since the moment we met?”

Emerson laughed, the sound muffled as he pressed a kiss between my breasts. “Yes, the instant. You were so pissed, so fired up, I could actually feel you in my hands. I wanted to pin you up against the wall, swat that sweet little ass, and reprimand you for taking such a risk.”

“But you didn’t.”

“Good things come to those who wait,” he chanted at me, moving excruciatingly slow across my body as his hands moved to the stretchy pair of pants I had on.

“I hate that saying.” I grabbed his hand and forcefully pushed it inside the pants, urging him to my pussy, where I was weeping for him.

“Clearly,” he said then curled his fingers, the tips brushing over my aching lips. “Jesus, Whit, is all this for me?”

“I’m always like that around you. Always,” I whispered back, my eyes shuttering as I let the delicious feeling of his hand on me sweep over me.

“Fuck. I need to taste you, sweet thing. Tell me I can.” His mouth was frantic against my chest, dropping bruising kisses everywhere he could reach as his fingertips slipped and moved over my pussy. He knew where I needed them and yet carefully avoided that place. The one that ached for him. His fingers. His tongue. His cock.

I shivered just thinking of him.

“Yes, taste me.” I arched into him, letting his hands drop to my waist, where he could heave me up against his body. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but at this point, I didn’t care in the least. In fact, as we walked, I turned my head and found his ear. I licked around the lobe before letting a little of my wild side out and nipped it hard.

Emerson groaned and then smacked one of my ass cheeks enough to make me squeal. “You bite me again, I’ll fill up that pretty mouth with my cock. See how bratty you are then.”

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