Page 19 of His to Keep

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Abso-fucking-lutetly. I had been nursing a little savior crush on Gates since before the date gone bad a few weeks ago. It made sense, after all. My bodyguard was an oversize Labrador. And after our little rendezvous at lunch, my body was still faintly buzzing. The man was good with his hands, clearly. My thighs still hadn’t stopped twitching. But it was more than that.

What he’d said. What it had felt to be against him. It was more than safety. It was more than a crush, and I knew it.

I just wasn’t sure what it means to be his. But as I reached across the console to knit my fingers with his, I knew I wanted to.

“I hope you have a good second part of the day.”

I didn’t stop the grin that took over my face. “Oh, I will.”

When Gates slowed the vehicle down in front of the school, my heart panged a little. I wanted more time with him. I mean, I always did, but more so now than ever.

“I’ll be here after work to pick you up.”

I gave him my flirtiest wave and turned to the building, so intent on my little bubble of happiness that I almost didn’t notice the tall, slender man who stood in front of me until it was too late.

“Oh, excuse me,” I said, giggling at my inability to walk a straight line right now.

“No problem, Ms. Bryant,” the tall man said, adjusting his suit and moving to the side. Oversized, dressed in a suit, and painfully polite. I cocked my head up at him.

“Do you work for AXE too?”

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I registered Gates call my name.

This new suit gave me a quick smile, his dark-blonde hair flopping over his forehead in an adorable manner. Cute guy. These AXE guys were another level.

“Yes. Excuse my manners. I’m David Gates. I’m taking over this assignment.”

He held a hand out, the picture of politeness.

But it didn’t matter anymore because I could no sooner grip his hand than form the words that died on my tongue.

David Gates.

But notmyDavid Gates.

I heard my name again, and I turned, watching as the man I’d been practically living with for the past nine weeks running up to me. For the first time since I met him, he looked scared.

My heart felt like it was being torn apart. Who was this man?

“I don’t understand.”

The new David Gates stepped closer, his face pinched as I flinched back and stepped away from both men for a moment.

“Boss, I’m not sure what I said. I'm sorry.”


Not Gates. Butboss.

Oh my God.Realization seeped into my bloodstream as I stared up at the man I’d been falling in love with.

And Emerson Brooks stared back.

I was wrong. I was going to need that afternoon off.


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