Page 14 of With His Ring

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Jamie just smiled, and I stared at him. “I have my ways.” He lowered his face until his nose brushed against mine, my heart again beating double time as I shifted my legs slightly. Seeing his opening, Jamie slid a knee between my thighs. Our size difference may have been laughable at times, but right now, it was pure heaven.

I groaned, sighing as the thick muscle of his thigh pressed up against the heat in my jeans.

“I didn’t get to see you come apart last time, little one. I don’t intend to make that mistake again.” Jamie held my hips, tugging me forward on his thigh ever so slightly. The pleasure there was enough to make me forget that I was grinding on this practical stranger with my little brother and his friends only a few feet away.

But it was so good.

I didn’t know if I cared.

“So responsive,” Jamie murmured, pressing a kiss against my jaw. “Will you let me kiss you?”

I laughed softly. After everything we’d done at the bar and now everything we were doing, it was a little odd that the man who had seen every inch of me naked, had made me come in a public place, was now asking to kiss me.

“Where?” I pressed back, my body continuing its slow grind against his leg.

I felt more than saw his smile against the skin of my neck. “To start? Maybe right here.” Jamie pushed my hair away from my neck, revealing the flutter of my pulse. His lips brushed the skin, hot and soft.

“Or perhaps you’d prefer here.” Jamie bent over, nearly double, to press a kiss to my collarbone. I whimpered as the movement dislodged me from his thigh.

I sank my hands into his hair, biting my lip as his head dropped lower. His hands, giant against my frame, suddenly appeared, cupping my small breasts. I’d always felt like they were too small, but the look on his face as he dropped to a knee in front of me, it was reverent and erased all doubts that had flickered across my mind.

“Or maybe here,” Jamie said, his thumbs easily finding my nipples through the soft fabric of my shirt. I almost never wore a bra, so the pebbled tips looked scandalous and pointed right through the fabric. Jamie growled as my belly twitched and pulled.

I wanted him, badly. I’d never wanted anyone, not like this. It’s how I had skated through high school and college with my v-card intact. There’d never even been anyone who’d gotten close to tempting me.

But Jamie Calvin was my personal kryptonite.

“You know where I want to kiss you the most?” Jamie asked after I remained silent, my mind overwhelmed by the flood of pleasure and relief his hands were giving me. He dropped to his knees, one hand pressing against the seam of my jeans. I gasped, my body quivering.

“Here.” Jamie’s eyes nearly glowed as they looked up at me. “Eyes on me, little one.”

I dropped my chin, my eyes fast on his as my chest heaved.

“Right here.” Jamie leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss against the denim. “Tasting you on my fingers the other night, it only whetted my appetite. I want more.”

Jamie’s face changed then, growing more serious. His eyes were right at my waist level, and he leaned in to press a kiss against the flat plane of my belly. “I want it all.”

My body erupted in goosebumps, and a shiver ran down my spine. Something about this was darker, deeper than any other interaction with a man I’d ever had. And my body screamed for me to drop to my knees, to beg him to do everything he’d said and more.

I opened my mouth, a hundred scattered thoughts threatening to spill out. Jamie stood slowly, his hands never leaving my body as I fought to regain my footing.

Jackson’s screech from the front room was the coldest bucket of ice I’d ever felt. “Margot, the pizza is here!”

I cleared my throat, still staring at Jamie. “We should stop.”

To my surprise, a grin split his face. “We are only getting started, little one.”


Chapter 7


Fuck me.

She was perfect.

And not just that incredibly tight little body that I’d accidentally gotten an eyeful of that first time I met her. She was hard, suspicious, and more than a little blunt. But the moment she offered me even that tiny bit of sweetness, I was addicted.

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